Tuesday, January 31, 2017

February Newsletter

Important Dates to Remember: 
February 6th and 7th: Cogat Testing
February 8th: Report Cards Go Home
February 10th:  Someone Special Dance
February 14th: Valentine’s Day Party 12:15
February 14th: Jump Rope for Heart Grade 1-2
February 16th: PBIS Parent Coffee 11:30-12:30 in the library
February 20th: No School- President’s Day

Warm Clothes:
We do go out to recess if the temperature is above freezing.  Please be sure to send your child in a jacket with a working zipper, with gloves or mittens, and with a hat or hood.  In lieu of this… we have lots of LOST & FOUND items piling up each day.  If you are missing an item, please visit the school to check our lost and found bins!  Please remember to label jackets, gloves, scarves, hats, and other items with your son or daughter’s name.

Valentine’s Day Celebration:
Students may bring Valentine’s Day cards to school to distribute to the class on February 14th.  Please remember to include all students if your son or daughter is going to bring in Valentine’s Day cards.
IMPORTANT NOTE Valentine’s Day cards may not include any candy items.   Any cards sent in to school with candy will be sent back home.  I have attached a classroom list to this newsletter for your convenience.

CogAt Testing
The time is here for CogAt testing. Our class will be testing on February 6th and February 7th. Please make sure your child goes to bed early and eats a good breakfast on testing days.

Black History Month
We will be making a Civil Rights Quilt along with other 2nd grade classes. Each student will be illustrating a famous quote from a famous African American. This will be done in school and displayed in the 2nd grade hallway.

School Closings:  Winter is here!  Check the Loudoun County Public Schools web site or the local television and radio stations for school closings or delays.  Check with the main office if you have any questions before the winter weather is upon us!

Thank you for your continued support!
As always feel free to e-mail me at Courtney.allen@lcps.org or call Pinebrook if you have any concerns.

Have a Happy Valentine’s Day!
Mrs. Allen


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Word Study Test: Friday, February 3rd
Book Orders Due: Tomorrow, Wednesday, February 1st

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Geometry Worksheet

Monday, January 30, 2017


Dear Parents,

During the month of February, second grade students in Loudoun County Public Schools will take the online Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), Form 7, Level 8. The CogAT measures general and specific cognitive skills that allow a student to learn new tasks or solve problems in the absence of direct instruction.  Our class with be testing on February 6th and February 7th.

Students’ verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning abilities are measured by three test batteries, each of which is comprised of three subtests. Students typically complete three subtests per day, for three consecutive school days, to complete all nine subtests. These tests are untimed; however, each day’s testing period usually does not exceed 90 minutes. Students work through each subtest at his or her own pace, and the entire test is read aloud to students by means of pre-recorded audio.

Students cannot prepare or study for the CogAT. Instead, they will have the opportunity to become familiar with test items through teacher-directed practice activities. Additionally, practice questions, administered before the first subtest, will familiarize students with the online testing environment.

Score reports will be sent home to parents/guardians together with the 3rd Quarter report card.

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at courtney.allen@lcps.org

Mrs. Allen


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Vocabulary Parade Poster - Due TOMORROW, January 31st
Word Study Test: Friday, February 3rd

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Geometry Worksheet
Geometry Test: Friday, February 10th

3rd Quarter

Today marks the first day of the 3rd Quarter in Second Grade.  Please remind your son/daughter about appropriate behavior in school and the importance for being a good listener and  following directions.  This quarter we will be moving at a slightly faster pace, some of the material may get a bit more difficult, and many of the tests/quizzes will be designed similar to the Third Grade SOL. We do this in order to get students familiar with the type of test questions they will see on the third grade SOL's.  Also, a lot of the material learned in second grade in all subject areas will be assessed on the Third Grade SOL.  The material will be reviewed in Third Grade, but it's also very important that students come to school Ready, Responsible, and Respectful.

Scholastic Book Orders

Due Date:  Wednesday, February 1st

Scholastic Book Orders were sent home last Friday.  If you would like to order books for your son/daughter please follow the directions below.  In the book order sent home, you will see the DRA level below the description of each book.  Just a reminder: the mid year benchmark for second grade is DRA 20 and the end of the year benchmark is DRA 28.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Friday Update

Happy Friday! I hope you and your families have a wonderful and relaxing weekend!

The SOL Vocabulary Parade
The SOL Vocabulary Parade will be held on this Tuesday, January 31, 2017.   The information sheet has been sent home and your child has received his/her vocabulary word.  It is now time to work on the costume and props.  Please talk with your child about this activity and assist them with securing the supplies they need.  Parents are welcome to come and watch the parade.  The parade will take place in the gym and the schedule is as follows:
8:15-8:45   Kindergarten
9:00-9:30   Grade One
9:45-10:15   Grade Three
10:30-11:00 Grade Two
11:15-11:45 Grade Five
12:00 – 12:30 Grade Four
12:35 – 1:05 Kindergarten PM in the library

Valentine's Day Party
Our class Valentine's Day party will be on Tuesday, February 14th, from 12:15-1:15 pm. We will be decorating Valentine's Day bags in class, so you do not have to bring in a box or bag from home. We will be exchanging Valentine cards with our classmates during the party. A list of the students in our class will be sent home next week. It is completely voluntary and historically, the majority of the class participates. If your child brings cards in, please make sure he/she has one for every student in the class. If your child wants to attach a little something to his/her Valentine cards, please make sure it is not candy. Little items, such as pencils, erasers, tattoos and stickers are fine.

Parents, we are on a call for you to participate in our STEAM Expo on FRIDAY, February 24! If you work in an area or have a hobby that uses Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts, or Math then we are looking for you! We moved the event to a Friday to increase the chances of parent volunteers to be part of the day! Details were sent last week and are also available on the Pinebrook website. We're looking for your support!
Steam Expo's purpose is to:
Increase creativity in student thinking
Build problem solving capacity of students
Teach students about the importance of failure that can lead to success
Increase cooporation and teamwork in students
Support the joy of teaching and learning
Please be part of the day!  Contact Mr. Thiessen, our TRT Mrs. Stacey Clark or your classroom teacher if you're interested!

Thursday, January 26, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
No School For Students TOMORROW, Friday, January 27th
Vocabulary Parade Poster - Due January 31st

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Wednesday, January 25, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Weather Test: TOMORROW, Thursday, January 26
No School For Students Friday, January 27th

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Tuesday, January 24, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Weather Test: Thursday, January 26
No School For Students Friday, January 27th

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Monday, January 23, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Weather Test: Thursday, January 26
Water Cycle Quiz:  Tomorrow, January 24th
No School For Students Friday, January 27th

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Graph Test:  Tomorrow, Tuesday, January 24
Coordinate Graph Worksheet (if not completed during class)

Friday, January 20, 2017

Vocabulary Parade

The SOL Vocabulary Parade
The SOL Vocabulary Parade will be held on January 31, 2017.   The information sheet has been sent home and your child has received his/her vocabulary word.  It is now time to work on the costume and props.  Please talk with your child about this activity and assist them with securing the supplies they need.  Parents are welcome to come and watch the parade.  The parade will take place in the gym and the schedule is as follows:
8:15-8:45   Kindergarten
9:00-9:30   Grade One
9:45-10:15   Grade Three
10:30-11:00  Grade Two
11:15-11:45  Grade Five
12:00 – 12:30  Grade Four
12:35 – 1:05   Kindergarten PM in the library


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Weather Test: January 26

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Graph Test:  January 24

Thursday, January 19, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Weather Test: January 26
No Word Study this week

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Graph Worksheet
Graph Test:  January 24

Wednesday, January 18, 2017


When:  Friday, February 24th
Where:  Pinebrook

Our annual STEAM Expo will be on Friday, February 24th! That’s right, this year we will be having the STEAM Expo on a week day in order give all of our students the opportunity to learn and grow through this great event. However, we will still need your help! We are asking for your assistance with materials as well as volunteering. We will need volunteers for set up on Thursday, February 23rd as well as help with the event on Friday, February 24th. If you are interested in volunteering, please sign up using the link below.  If you would like to help out by bringing in supplies, please refer to the list below.  As always, thank you for your support! We couldn’t do it without you! Have a great night!

 STEAM Expo Sign-Up Genius: http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d4aa8ac23a0f58-steam

2nd Grade Supplies
Masking Tape
Small Cardboard Boxes
Paper Bowls
Mini Round Hot Glue Sticks
Cardboard Bowls


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Weather Test: January 26

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Graph Worksheet
Graph Test:  January 24

Tuesday, January 17, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Weather Test: January 26

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Math 16-3
Graph Test:  January 24

Friday, January 13, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Classroom Wish List

Our classroom is in need of green and pink copy paper for word study groups.  We have 5 word study groups and each group is assigned a different color.

Thursday, January 12, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Graphing 16-1

Wednesday, January 11, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Tuesday, January 10, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Probability Worksheet
Probability Test: TOMORROW, Wednesday, January 11th

Monday, January 9, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Probability Worksheet
Probability Test:  Wednesday, January 11th

Friday, January 6, 2017

Upcoming Events

Week of January 9: ASEP classes begin
January 16: Martin Luther King Jr. Day, no school
January 26: Second quarter ends
January 27: Student holiday
January 31: SOL Vocabulary Parade


Magnet Test:  Monday, January 9th
Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Probability Test:  Wednesday, January 11th

Thursday, January 5, 2017


Magnet Test:  Monday, January 9th
Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Sign Vocabulary Parade letter

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Probability Worksheet
Probability Test:  Wednesday, January 11th

Wednesday, January 4, 2017

Vocabulary Parade

The Vocabulary Parade
Tuesday, January 31, 2017

The Vocabulary Parade will be held on Tuesday, January 31, 2017.  In the event of a snow day, the make-up day will be Tuesday, February 7, 2017. Parade will be held on Tuesday, January 31.  The idea for this reading incentive comes from the book Miss Alaineus by Debra Frasier.  This book will be read to all students prior to the vocabulary parade.
Why are we doing this reading incentive?
We are trying to encourage our students to learn more vocabulary words.  Larger vocabulary equals better readers.  The vocabulary words that will be used are curriculum based and grade specific.  This parade is a wonderful way to introduce a love of language and spirit of fun!

How an you help?
1. Your child has been given a specific vocabulary word from the list of curriculum related words.

2. Students are asked to make a costume and/or prop to illustrate their word.  These costumes/props will be made at home.  Costumes can be as simple as a sign and illustration on a poster board that the student wears.  Some students may choose to create more elaborate costumes.  Be creative and have fun. This project is for a participation grade only.  All  students are expected to participate.  Students must have a sign on the front of their costume that displays their vocabulary word.

3.  Students will say their word and a one sentence definition for that words.   Please assist your child in practicing at home.

4.  Please do not send the costume in until the actual day of the parade.

5.  In addition to participation in the parade, we are encouraging our students to go to http://freerice.com  Here, students can practice their vocabulary skills while helping feed people in need.  For every correct answer given, 10 grains of rice are donated to the United Nations World Food Program.  Ten correct answers equal a bowl of rice.  Learn fun words while helping others!  The whole family can do it.


Magnet Test:  Monday, January 9th
Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Sign Vocabulary Parade letter

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Probability Worksheet
Probability Test:  Wednesday, January 11th

Tuesday, January 3, 2017


Magnet Test:  Monday, January 9th
Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Probability Worksheet

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...