Thursday, November 30, 2017


Homework tonight is a math worksheet.  We also have a word study quiz and a subtraction quiz tomorrow (Friday).  Our map skills test is next Wednesday, 12/6.  Their study guide says 12/5, but we are moving the date.
The school holiday shop is coming!  Check your child's folder tonight for more info.

Wednesday, November 29, 2017


We have a math worksheet for homework, which is more subtraction practice for Friday's quiz.  Our word study quiz is also on Friday.  You should have received the green sheet of paper yesterday telling you about our gingerbread house activity on Dec 14.  Thanks to all of you who volunteered to help that day!  I also will need some assistance putting houses together before the 14th, so if you are free on Dec 11 or 12, please let me know.  Thanks so much! 

Tuesday, November 28, 2017

Homework/ Important Dates

Hope you all had a wonderful Thanksgiving break!  We have several quiz dates this week, as well as math homework each night.  Please continue to practice subtraction with your child at home.  It has been a tricky concept for some of them, so extra practice is always helpful!  We have a subtraction quiz on Friday, Dec 1.  We also have a word study quiz Friday.  Our continents quiz is tomorrow (Wed), and they should be able to label the 7 continents and 5 oceans.  They brought home a worksheet last night that is a helpful study guide for that.

Tuesday, November 21, 2017

Important Dates and A Peek at our Week

Happy Thanksgiving! Enjoy the time with family and friends!

School Dates/Events
November 22nd-24th- Thanksgiving Break- No School
November 27th-December 1st- Book Fair
November 29th- Book Fair Family Night 3:00 to 6:00 pm

PTA Events/Dates
November 27th- PTA meeting 6:30 pm (this is a change from the original listed time)
December 7th- Holiday Shop Opens
December 9th- Pancake Breakfast and Holiday Shop

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will learn different Non-Fiction text features.

Writing: Students will start writing All About Books.

Math: We will continue Subtraction with Regrouping.

Social Studies: We will learn about how to use/read maps and globes.

Continents/Oceans Quiz- 11/29
Subtraction with Regrouping Quiz- 12/1
Maps and Globes Test- 12/6
Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping Test- 12/14

Monday, November 20, 2017


Tonight's homework is a math worksheet.  We started subtraction with regrouping today, and we still need lots of practice.  They have a worksheet from class that they may finish at home, as well as the homework. 
Tomorrow is our last day before Thanksgiving break, and we will be sending some of the smaller Native American projects home.  If your child's is too large and you don't want them to carry on the bus, please make arrangements to pick them up next week after the break.  Thanks!

Friday, November 17, 2017

Happy Weekend and A Peek at our Week

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Don't Forget.... Basket Bingo tonight from 6:00-8:00!

Monday, Nov 20 is our picture retake day with Lifetouch. A form is coming home this weekend.

School Dates/Events
November 22nd-24th- Thanksgiving Break- No School
November 27th-December 1st- Book Fair
November 29th- Book Fair Family Night 3:30 pm-6:30 pm

PTA Events/Dates
November 17th- Basket Bingo 6:00pm-8:00pm
November 27th- PTA meeting 4:00pm
December 7th- Holiday Shop Opens
December 9th- Pancake Breakfast and Holiday Shop

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will just enjoy silly Thanksgiving read alouds.

Writing: Students will publish How-To Books.

Math: We will begin Subtraction with Regrouping.

Social Studies: We will learn about how to use/read maps and globes.

Continents/Oceans Quiz- 11/29
Subtraction with Regrouping Quiz- 12/1
Maps and Globes Test- 12/6
Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping Test- 12/14

Wednesday, November 15, 2017


Our Native American final test on all three tribes (Powhatan, Pueblo, and Lakota) is tomorrow! We also have a math quiz on Friday, 11/17, on addition with regrouping.
There is a math worksheet for homework tonight.  Don't forget your reflex time for Fun Friday!  Have a great night!

Monday, November 13, 2017


Tomorrow is our Native American performance at 8:30am!  Your child should wear a white shirt and blue jeans. Our class will be sitting on the right side of the gym, so if you want to see your child the whole time, sit on the right facing all the risers. Hope to see many of you tomorrow!
There is a math worksheet for homework tonight.  We are starting addition with regrouping.  Our final test on all tribes will be Thursday, Nov 16.

Friday, November 10, 2017

A Peek at Our Week and Important Dates

Happy Friday!  All the Native American Projects look great! They will displayed in the library after each student presents his or her tribe.

Native American Performace- Tuesday, November 14th at 8:30am
Students have been working hard on learning songs, learning a game, and practicing lines to get ready for our performance! Please come to show your support during American Education Week!

Students need to wear blue jeans and a white shirt to school that day.

Parent/Teacher Conferences
Thank you to all of the parents who came out for parent/teacher conferences. It was great getting to speak with you all about your child's progress 1st quarter!! Please don't hesitate to get in touch with me if you have any further questions or concerns!

Lakota Quiz- 
 Monday, Nov 13. The final test to assess on all 3 tribes together will be on the 16th. Please continue to study all 3 tribes.

Report Cards
This year report cards will not come home with your child in their folder. They will be accessible through Parent Vue on our online grade book - Phoenix. Parents should have their own log in and password given to them at the beginning of the year through the front office More information will come home about this next week! 


School Dates/Events
November 14th- 2nd Grade Native American Performance 8:30am
November 22nd-24th- Thanksgiving Break- No School
November 27th-December 1st- Book Fair
November 29th- Book Fair Family Night 3pm-6pm

PTA Events/Dates
November 16th- Substitute Job Fair- John Champe HS 4:30pm-7:00pm
November 17th- Box Tops Due
November 17th- Basket Bingo 6:00pm-8:00pm
November 27th- PTA meeting 4:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will identify Author's Message.

Writing: Students will continue working on How-To Books.

Math: We will begin Addition with regrouping.

Social Studies: We will continue learning about different Native American tribes.

Addition with Regrouping Quiz- 11/17
Subtraction with Regrouping Quiz- 12/1

Native American Unit: 
(all study guides were sent home)
Lakota Quiz- 11/13
Final Test on All Tribes: 11/16

Thursday, November 9, 2017


Tomorrow our Native American projects are due!  We also have a word study quiz tomorrow, and the Lakota quiz on Monday, 11/13. 
Our Native American performance is next Tuesday, 11/14.  Please help your child review their lines tonight and this weekend..
No math homework tonight as we had our first quarter review today.

Wednesday, November 8, 2017

Upcoming Dates

Hope you all enjoyed your very long weekend!  The students enjoyed a guest speaker from the Jamestown settlement today, who was very interesting and allowed the students to participate and hold some artifacts from the Powhatan tribe.  Ask them if they remember some of the Powhatan words he taught us!

We have a quarter one math assessment test tomorrow on all the subjects we've covered in math so far this year.  We did quite a bit of review today, and they can finish the worksheets they brought home, but there is no homework.

On Friday, we have a word study quiz, and we also have a special veterans day celebration assembly.

Our Lakota quiz is Monday, 11/13, and the final test on all the tribes is on Thursday, 11/16.

Don't forget our Native American performance is on Tuesday, Nov 14 at 8:30 am. The kids have practiced and worked very hard on their songs and lines, so please join us if you can!

Friday, November 3, 2017

A Peek at our Week

Happy Friday Everyone! 


No School on Monday or Tuesday for Students!!

Quarter 2 starts on Wednesday!

Native American Projects Due- November 10th
Native American Performance- November 14th at 8:30am


School Dates/Events
November 6th and 7th- No School for Students- Teacher/Parent Conferences
November 14th- 2nd Grade Native American Performance 8:30am
November 22nd-24th- Thanksgiving Break- No School
November 27th-December 1st- Book Fair
November 29th- Book Fair Family Night 3pm-6pm

PTA Events/Dates
November 9th- Reflections Submission Due Date
November 9th- Family Reading Night 6:30pm-7:45pm
November 16th- Substitute Job Fair- John Champe HS 4:30pm-7:00pm
November 17th- Box Tops Due
November 17th- Basket Bingo 6:00pm-8:00pm
November 27th- PTA meeting 4:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will review Beginning, Middle, and End.

Writing: Students will continue working on How-To Books.

Math: We will review all Q1 skills taught.

Social Studies: We will continue learning about different Native American tribes.

Addition with Regrouping Quiz- 11/17

Native American Unit: 
(all study guides were sent home)
Lakota Quiz- 11/13 
Final Test on All Tribes: 11/16

Thursday, November 2, 2017


Many thanks to our room parents who planned a super fun party for the kids on Tuesday!  We all had a great time!

Homework tonight is a math worksheet.  We have a math test tomorrow, Friday, on place value in the hundreds.

The class also filled up their class reward bear jar, and we will have our reward tomorrow, 11/3.  We are watching a movie in the morning and the kids are allowed to bring in one stuffed animal, too.

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...