Thursday, April 26, 2018


The Field Trip for Skyline Caverns will be Monday, April 30th.

What to Wear:
The caverns are 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius) year-round. Students should wear a light jacket or sweatshirt, pants, and sneakers.

Lunch: Students need to bring a bag lunch. Bag lunches should not contain anything breakable.  It is preferable that all of the contents are in disposable bags/containers, because teachers and chaperones are not responsible for any lost items.  We also request that students not bring foods containing nuts.

Chaperones:  Please be at school by 7:45.


Plant Test:  May 1st
Measurement Quiz:  May 4th
Word Study Quiz:  April 27th
NO Math Worksheet

Reflex Math (60 minutes until 100% fluent in Addition and Subtraction)


Developmental Reading Assessment

The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) is a standardized reading test used to determine a
student’s instructional level in reading. The students will read a selection (or selections) and then  make predictions, discuss characters, important events, author's message and retell what they have read. As the levels increase, so does the difficulty level for each selection.

In class we have been practicing for the DRA that will be administered sometime in the month of May.  Today students will be bringing home a sample of what the DRA will look like.  Please take a look at the skills that will be assessed.  You can also practice these questions while reading at home.


2018 Rumble in the Jungle Pinebrook vs. Buffalo Trail

When:  Thursday, April 26th
Time:  6PM-8PM (doors open at 5:45PM
Where:  Champe High School
Cost:  $2 per person

Hot Food and Snack Concessions available at 5:45 pm

Evenings events:
 5:45 pm Doors Open and Food Service Begins
 5:45 - 6:30 pm Teacher Bowling
 6:35 pm 1st Grade leading the National Anthem
 6:45 pm Games Begin
 7:15 pm (ish) Half Time performance by Creative Dance Center
 7:30 pm (ish) Staff Relay Races
 8:00 pm Event End - Trophy Awarded

Wednesday, April 25, 2018


Plant Test:  May 1st
Measurement Quiz:  May 4th
Word Study Quiz:  April 27th
Math Worksheet

Reflex Math (60 minutes until 100% fluent in Addition and Subtraction)

Tuesday, April 24, 2018


Plant Test:  May 1st
Measurement Quiz:  May 4th
Word Study Quiz:  April 27th

No Math Worksheet tonight

Reflex Math (60 minutes until 100% fluent in Addition and Subtraction)

Monday, April 23, 2018


Plant Test:  May 1st
Measurement Quiz:  May 4th
Word Study Quiz:  April 27th

No Math Worksheet tonight

Reflex Math (60 minutes until 100% fluent in Addition and Subtraction)

Thursday, April 19, 2018

Parent Needed

Dear Parents,
I recently made a bunch of math centers and reading activities.  I am looking for a parent that is available to come in to help out in the work room cutting these activities.  If you are available, I would love to have you come in to help out.  Thanks again!
Mrs. Allen


Famous Americans Test TOMORROW, Friday, April 19th

Wednesday, April 18, 2018


Money Test:  Thursday, April 19th
Money Worksheet
Famous Americans Test:  Friday, April 20th

Field Trip Money $13

Monday, April 16, 2018

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week


Pinebrook yearbooks are on sale now!  Yearbooks may only be purchased online.  To purchase a yearbook, go to and enter school code 7561118.  You will be prompted through the order and payment process.  The deadline to order a yearbook is April 29th.  You must pre-order a yearbook if you would like your child to receive one.  

Career Day
Mark your calendar for CAREER DAY at Pinebrook Elementary School on Friday, April 27th, 2018!
We are currently looking for volunteers to help make this year’s Career Day a success.
Would you be willing to return to Pinebrook again this year and share your unique occupation with our students? If so, complete this form and return it to school by Friday, April 9th.
As a reminder, our Career Day starts with a volunteer coffee and networking opportunity at 8:00 am.  Each career volunteer will have the opportunity to visit with grades K-5 to speak about their occupation in four sessions of 25 minutes each. A question and answer period will be included.
In the past, speakers have:
  • Planned an activity or demonstration using tools and materials with which they usually work
  • Brought slides, pictures or brochures that provide career information
  • Discussed the educational requirements and skills needed for their job
  • Related what they enjoy about their job
  • Provided take-home goodies or trinkets which relate to their job (no food please)

Your business name will once again be included in a Career Day flyer on our Volunteer Thank You page which will be sent home with each of our apx 1,000 students.
Please contact School Counselors Heather Ross or Jennifer Nocito at Pinebrook with any questions: or 703-957-4325. 
If you would like to participate, please send us an email with the following information.
Volunteer Name & Occupation
Student Name & Teacher (if you have an association with Pinebrook ES)
Phone Number & email address                         

CogAT ScoresIn your child's take home folder, you will find the results of the CogAT administered back in February. Please read through the information carefully. There is a graph and a narrative explaining in detail  what each score means.

Field Trip
If you have not sent in the permission and $13 for child to attend the field trip on April 30th, please do so by April 25th.

Camp STEAM-tacular
Get your spot for PNB's Summer STEAM Camp! 
June 18th-22nd- 9:00am-3:00pm

$240 for 1 camper
$460 for 2 campers
$680 for 3 or more campers

** optional $25 extra per camper for early bird Hour of Code- 8:00am-9:00am

Go to OR to register online.

Registration Deadline is June 1st.

Pennies for Patients
Please support a great cause with your spare change! We are raising money to donate to The Leukemia and Lymphoma Society's Pennies for Patients Program. You received a donation box yesterday that can be used to collect those pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters, or anything you can spare! Thanks in advance for supporting Pinebrook's participation in the Pennies program!

School Dates/Events
April 16th- Spring Pictures
April 26th- Take Your Child to Work Day
April 27th- Career Day
April 30th- 2nd Grade Field Trip to Skyline Caverns

PTA Events/Dates
April 16th- PTA meeting- 6:30pm
April 21st- Color Me Fun Run
April 26th- Rumble in the Jungle- 5:45pm at John Champe HS

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will use pictures to support comprehension.

Writing: Students will continue writing different types of Poetry.

Math: We will continue our unit on Money: counting a collection of coins up to $2.00.

Social Studies: We will continue studying Famous Americans: George Washington, Abraham Lincoln, Helen Keller, Susan B. Anthony, Jackie Robinson, Martin Luther King Jr.


Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King Jr. Quiz:  Wednesday, April 18th
Money Test:  Thursday, April 19th
Famous Americans Test:  Friday, April 20th

Tuesday, April 10, 2018

Spring Pictures

Spring Pictures and Class Pictures will be on Monday, April 16th. Today your child will come home with a picture payment packet. Your child must bring back their picture envelopes for a CLASS picture with payment inside or online payment information. They will not receive a class picture if they do not return the envelope. You can pay online, but the photographers will still need the payment envelopes. Individual pictures will be taken for everyone and students will receive a picture packet later.  You can pay for individual pictures once you receive that packet at a later date


Helen Keller and Susan B. Anthony Quiz:  Thursday, April 12th
Word Study Quiz:  Friday, April 13th
Money Test:  Tuesday, April 17th
Math Worksheet

Reflex Math (60 minutes per week until 100% fluent in addition and subtraction)

Field Trip Permission Slips and $13

Friday, April 6, 2018


NO SCHOOL Monday, April 9th (teacher work day)

Book Orders Due Wednesday, April 11th


Susan B. Anthony and Helen Keller Quiz:  Friday, April 13th
Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King Jr. Quiz:  Wednesday, April 18th
Famous Americans Test:  Friday, April 20th

Field Trip Money $13 (make checks payable to Pinebrook Elementary)

Reflex Math (60 Minutes per week until 100% fluent in Addition and Subtraction)


Today in class we did a drawing for the parents who will be chaperones.  The three parents have been notified via email.  Thank you to all the parents who have offered to help!

Fidget Spinners

I am looking for 5 fidget spinners for a math center activity.  If you have fidget spinners you no longer use or need, donations will be greatly appreciated.   Thanks!

White Card Stock

We are completely out of white card stock.  I use this paper to create new math centers for students to use during guided math.  Any donations will be greatly appreciated.

Thursday, April 5, 2018

Scholastic Book Orders

Book Orders Due:  Wednesday, April 11th

Shop Online:

One-Time Class Activation Code: GRX6J

ENTER the one-time Class Activation Code (top of this letter)
SUBMIT your order and earn FREE Books for our classroom
All book orders will be shipped to our classroom so we can celebrate the joy of reading together! 

If you have any questions, please email me at

Mrs. Allen

Wednesday, April 4, 2018

Second Grade Field Trip

Skyline Caverns

When: Monday, April 30th, 2018

Time: Leave Pinebrook at 8:00am and return to Pinebrook at 2:15pm

About Skyline Caverns:
Skyline Caverns are the closest natural wonder to the Nation's Capital. Students will be taken on a tour through the Skyline Caverns which will explain the geological history of the caverns.  Students will also get to enjoy a ride on the Skyline Arrow which is a Miniature Train. This ten-minute ride carries students around Horseshoe Curve, across Apache Flats, by Kissing Rock and Sinkhole Overlook, and through Boothill Tunnel.  Students will also get to experience the Enchanted Dragon Mirror Maze.  This Maze was designed by Adrian Fisher Mazes Ltd, an English firm that designs unique mazes all over the world. The maze has pathways, walls, and angled mirrors surrounding you as try to navigate your way through the maze.   Students will wander under castle arches and woodland tree branches.

What to Wear:
The caverns are 54 degrees Fahrenheit (12 Celsius) year-round. Students should wear a light jacket or sweatshirt, pants, and sneakers.

Lunch: Students need to bring a bag lunch. Bag lunches should not contain anything breakable.  It is preferable that all of the contents are in disposable bags/containers, because teachers and chaperones are not responsible for any lost items.  We also request that students not bring foods containing nuts.

Cost:  $13 (Exact cash or make checks payable to Pinebrook Elementary no later than April 25th)

Chaperones: If you are interested in accompanying us on the field trip a paper will be sent home tomorrow for you to sign up. Due to a limited number of reserved seats on the bus, three parents per class will be permitted to join us.  Please do not submit your money until you have been notified that you have been selected as a chaperone.

We are looking forward to our field trip! 

Tuesday, April 3, 2018


George Washington and Abraham Lincoln Quiz:  Friday, April 4th
Susan B. Anthony and Helen Keller Quiz:  Friday, April 13th
Jackie Robinson and Martin Luther King Jr. Quiz:  Wednesday, April 18th
Famous Americans Test:  Friday, April 20th

Money Test:  Tuesday, April 17th

Math Worksheet

Reflex Math (60 Minutes per week until 100% fluent)

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...