Friday, May 31, 2019

Important Dates and A Peek At the Week

Happy Friday!

Only 5 more days of 2nd grade!  It has been a fun filled week!!!  We started the week  with Team Building Day, yesterday we had our Economics Fair, and today we sang to our volunteers at the Pinebrook Volunteer Appreciation Breakfast, and we also read outside for "Flip Open a Good Book, Flop Down and Read."  This week we continued our Problem Based Learning Camping trip to review math concepts taught throughout the  year.  Next week will continued to be filled with learning fun!

Economics Fair Pictures:

Camping Problem Based Learning Math Review:

End of Year Celebration:
End of the School Year Party!
Tuesday June 4, 2019
10:30am to 1:00pm
We will be playing outside, having pizza, and then playing indoor games and having a s’mores dessert.
Please send in $3 by June 4th for the pizza.
Also please send in a towel with your child on the day of the party. We may use water in the outdoor games and the kids might get splashed with a little water.
Parents are welcome to join us!

Quarter 4 Report Cards:
Your child's 4th quarter report card will be viewable in your ParentVue account on Friday, June 14th.

Project Based Learning Activity
The students in second grade have been working on a project based activity during math.  We have been reviewing 2nd grade math concepts.  In groups, students planned a backyard camping trip.  Students were given a budget to buy equipment, supplies, and food.  They needed measure camping equipment and plan the layout of a campsite.  Students planned out a camper's daily schedule.  Students recorded findings of different animals as a fraction.  Students went on a make believe fishing trip and graphed the type of fish they caught.  Next week students will be completing a camping journal where students explain their math reasoning.  There will continue to be no math homework.

Important Dates:

May 31st - PTA Summer Celebration (Ice Cream Social 6:00pm-7:30pm)
June 5th - 2nd Grade Character Awards
June 6th - School-Wide Reward: Eat Lunch Outside
June 7th - Last Day of School

Wednesday, May 29, 2019

Friday Happenings!

FLIP Open a Good Book, FLOP Down and Read

Friday, May 31, 2019

Students should bring a towel to sit on and a good book to read. Hats and sunglasses are also welcome.

Thursday, May 23, 2019


Field Trip Friday, May 24th:  We are excited for our field trip to Skyline Caverns tomorrow, Friday, May 24th.  Please remember that the caverns are 54 degrees all year long.  Students should wear pants and bring a light sweatshirt or jacket.  Your child should wear sneakers, and pack a disposable lunch. 

Chaperones can plan on arriving to school by 8am.  We will be leaving shortly after announcements in the morning. 

Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Field Trip Friday, May 24th:  We are excited for our field trip to Skyline Caverns this Friday, May 24th.  Please remember that the caverns are 54 degrees all year long.  Students should wear pants and bring a light sweatshirt or jacket.  Your child should wear sneakers, and pack a disposable lunch. 

Chaperones can plan on arriving to school by 8am.  We will be leaving shortly after announcements in the morning. 

Friday, May 17, 2019

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week


Field Trip Friday, May 24th:We are excited for our field trip to Skyline Caverns on Friday, May 24th.  Please remember that the caverns are 54 degrees all year long.  Students should wear pants and bring a light sweatshirt or jacket.  Your child should wear sneakers, and pack a disposable lunch. 

Project Based Learning Activity
The students in second grade will be working on a project based activity during math.  We will be reviewing 2nd grade math concepts.  In groups, students will be in charge of planning a backyard camping trip.  This week we had Eagle Scouts come into our classroom to discuss camping and what was needed to plan a camping trip.  This is all a make believe situation. Students will be given a budget to buy equipment, supplies, and food.  They will need to measure camping equipment and plan the layout of a campsite.  Students will also need to use time to plan out a camper's daily schedule.  Students will go on a make believe animal hunt, record findings of different animals as a fraction.  Students will also go make believe fishing and graph the type of fish they caught.  The culmination of the activity will be a camping journal where students explain their math reasoning.  There will be no math homework.

2nd Grade Economics Product Fair
Products are due: Tuesday, May 28th  
As part of our Social Studies Economic unit, the students will produce an item to sell. The students will create/produce 5 of the same product to “sell” and present.

Some examples of products the students could make and bring in are:
Small handcrafted products such as paper bag puppets, coin banks, braided jewelry, games, slime, toys or art work.

Absolutely NO food items!!! Please make sure items are on the small side. J

Products should be made from everyday items, recycled objects or cheap craft materials. The students will price their own items to be either $1, $2, or $3 to “sell”.

The students will be making advertisements for their products in class. These advertisements will be used to help sell their products to other students at Pinebrook Elementary on May 30th. The students will also be given the opportunity to shop for items they want to purchase.  Each student will be given $5 (fake money) to spend. 

Team Building Day:
Our Second Grade Team Building Day (formerly known as Field Day) will be Wednesday, May 29th.  Our grade level will engage in team building games and activities from 12:45-2:15 on that day.  Team Building Day will be outside, so students should wear comfortable clothing and sneakers, and bring a water bottle.  Sunscreen and/or bug spray must be applied at home. There will be no water activities this year. If you are available to help our PE teachers with this event, please sign up HERE.

Literacy End of the Year Testing
End of the year literacy testing has finished.  Students were assessed on fluency, accuracy, predictions, character analysis, comprehension, and inferences.  

The benchmark for the end of second grade is DRA 28.  The highest level a student can be tested is DRA 38 (the benchmark for the end of 3rd grade).  On the final report card, you will see on, above, or below grade level in reading.

Pinebrook Volunteer Breakfast:
The annual Pinebrook Volunteer Recognition Breakfast will be Friday, May 31st at 8:15 am in the Pinebrook cafe.  If you have volunteered in any capacity at school this year, we would like to recognize YOU! :)  Please RSVP for the breakfast via the Sign-Up Genius found HERE.

Important Dates:

May 24th - Field Trip Skyline Caverns
May 27th - No School (Memorial Day)
May 29th - Field Day 12:45-2:15
May 30th - 2nd Grade Product Fair 
May 31st -  Volunteer Breakfast 8:15
May 31st - PTA Summer Celebration (Ice Cream Social 6:00pm-7:30pm)

Quiz/Test Dates
May 20th - Measurement Test
May 28th - Products for Product Fair Due
May  29th - Nutrition Test
May 29th - Field Day 12:45-2:15

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will continue our book clubs and review reading skills.
  • Writing:  We will write comics and quick writes.
  • Math:  We will start a project based activity to review 2nd grade math concepts.  The theme will be camping!
  • Health:  We will learn about nutrition and body systems.

Friday, May 10, 2019

Updated Test/Quiz Dates

Quiz/Test Dates

May 16th - Economics Test 

May 14th - Inches/Feet Measurement Test
May 20th - Weight/Temperature Test
May 28th - Products for Product Fair Due
May  29th - Nutrition Test
May 29th - Field Day 12:45-2:15

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week


Field Trip Friday, May 24th:We are excited for our field trip to Skyline Caverns on Friday, May 24th.  Please remember that the caverns are 54 degrees all year long.  Students should wear pants and bring a light sweatshirt or jacket.  Your child should wear sneakers, and pack a disposable lunch. 

4TH QUARTER INTERIM PROGRESS REPORTS:4th Quarter Interim Progress Reports ("interims") will be issued Monday, May 13th.   All Interim Progress Reports will be sent home via email. You can update and/or verify your email address by logging into your ParentVue account.  

2nd Grade Economics Product Fair
Products are due: Tuesday, May 28th  
As part of our Social Studies Economic unit, the students will produce an item to sell. The students will create/produce 5 of the same product to “sell” and present.

Some examples of products the students could make and bring in are:
Small handcrafted products such as paper bag puppets, coin banks, braided jewelry, games, slime, toys or art work.

Absolutely NO food items!!! Please make sure items are on the small side. J

Products should be made from everyday items, recycled objects or cheap craft materials. The students will price their own items to be either $1, $2, or $3 to “sell”.

The students will be making advertisements for their products in class. These advertisements will be used to help sell their products to other students at Pinebrook Elementary on May 30th. The students will also be given the opportunity to shop for items they want to purchase.  Each student will be given $5 (fake money) to spend. 

Literacy End of the Year Testing
End of the year literacy testing has started. Students will be assessed on fluency, accuracy, predictions, character analysis, comprehension, and inferences.  

The benchmark for the end of second grade is DRA 28.  The highest level a student can be tested is DRA 38 (the benchmark for the end of 3rd grade).

Spring Pictures:
If your child had his/her individual picture taken last month. Please follow the enclosed directions if you would like to purchase any of the portraits.  If you do not wish to purchase any pictures, please return all the pictures to school with your child.

Box Tops for Education:
Box Tops for Education are due next Friday, May 17th.  If you no longer have the paper I sent home for the Box Tops, please send them to school in a Ziplock bag labeled with your child's name.

Important Dates:

May 13th - PTA Meeting 7PM
May 24th - Field Trip Skyline Caverns
May 27th - No School (Memorial Day)
May 29th - Field Day 12:45-2:15
May 30th - 2nd Grade Product Fair 
May 31st -  Volunteer Breakfast
May 31st - PTA Summer Celebration (Ice Cream Social 6:00pm-7:30pm)

Quiz/Test Dates

May 16th - Economics Test 

May 14th - Inches/Feet Measurement Test
May 20th - Weight/Temperature Test
May 28th - Products for Product Fair Due
May  29th - Nutrition Test
May 29th - Field Day 12:45-2:15

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will continue our literacy testing and book clubs.
  • Writing:  We will write another chapter to the book The Enchanted Woods.
  • Math:  We will continue our unit on measurement.
  • Science / Social Studies:  We will continue our unit on Economics.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!!!
Field Trip:

We are excited for our field trip to Skyline Caverns on Friday, May 24th.  Please remember that the caverns are 54 degrees all year long.  Students should wear pants and bring a light sweatshirt or jacket.  Your child should wear sneakers, and pack a disposable lunch. If you haven't brought in your $8 or permissions slip.  Please remember to do this as soon as possible.  

4th Quarter Interim Progress Reports:4th Quarter Interim Progress Reports ("interims") will be issued Monday, May 13th.   All Interim Progress Reports will be sent home via email. You can update and/or verify your email address by logging into your ParentVue account.  

Teachers Making Tracks Bucket Day
On Friday, May 10, 2019 we will hold our ninth annual Pinebrook “bucket day”.  Our team members will greet the parents at the kiss and go line holding purple buckets.  If you would like to donate to the ACS, just wind down your window and we will come to your car.  If you do not wind down your window, we will not approach your car.  We will have team members in the bus line as well, so bus riders will have the opportunity to participate in this fundraiser. 

 Relay for Life is a unique, challenging, and fun way to raise money for the American Cancer Society.  It is more than just a fundraiser.  It is a celebration that represents the hope that those lost to cancer will never be forgotten, that those who face cancer will be supported, and that one-day cancer will be eliminated. 

To learn more about our local event or to make an online tax-deductible contribution, visit Loudoun County Relay for Life.  Any additional questions feel free to contact Denise Higgins.

Literacy End of the Year Testing
End of the year literacy testing has started. Students will be assessed on fluency, accuracy, predictions, character analysis, comprehension, and inferences.  

The benchmark for the end of second grade is DRA 28.  The highest level a student can be tested is DRA 38 (the benchmark for the end of 3rd grade).

Spring Pictures:
If your child had his/her individual picture taken last month, I have sent those home today. Please follow the enclosed directions if you would like to purchase any of the portraits.  If you do not wish to purchase any pictures, please return all the pictures to school with your child.

Important Dates:
May 9th - ThinkFun Game Night: 6:30-8:00pm
May 13th - PTA Meeting 7PM
May 27th - No School (Memorial Day)
May 29th - Field Day 12:45-2:15
May 30th - Product Fair (Information Coming Soon)

May 24th - Field Trip Skyline Caverns

Quiz/Test Dates

May 10th - Word Study Quiz

May 15th - Economics Test

May  29th - Nutrition Test

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
  • Reading:  We will continue our literacy testing and start character book clubs.
  • Writing:  We will write another chapter to the book The Enchanted Woods.
  • Math:  We will continue our unit on measurement.
  • Science / Social Studies:  We will continue our unit on Economics.

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...