Friday, January 29, 2021

Important Dates and a Peek at the Week

Next week is a A Week

Asynchronous (on your own) Specials: Library
Synchronous (live google meet) Specials: Music, PE, Guidance, Art

* Due to Map testing next week, Guidance will start at 10:30 on Tuesday.  Students who are still testing at that time, will stop to go to guidance, and continue testing later in the day.

Mid-Year MAP Testing
Next week, all 2nd grade students will be taking the Reading MAP assessment and the Math MAP assessment. During this time, students will be signing on to our live google meet every morning from 8:15 to 8:45 for Morning Meeting and Read Aloud. At 8:45, your child will either stay on the computer if it’s their testing day, or log off and have an asynchronous day of work. However, there WILL BE SPECIALS and READING GROUPS in the afternoon that week. An email was sent home letting you know what days your child will be testing. Each student will be testing 2 different days during that first week of February.  I will remind students the days that they are testing.

Basic Addition and Subtraction Timed Drills
We will be starting timed math drills in February. Students will be given 5 minutes to complete as many addition and subtraction problems as they can. There are a total of 50 problems on the paper. Please keep in mind, we do not expect students to reach this goal of completing 50 problems until the end of 2nd grade. This is a standard we will be working towards. As the year progresses, students become more fluent with their basic facts and more comfortable with the idea that they are being timed and their scores improve so please do not worry if your child is not completing them. These timed drills are half sheets of paper found in their blue folder that was given to them at the supply pick-up. Students should not be completing these on their own. 

Study Guides Button on Schoology
I have added a button to my Schoology page that will contain all the Science and Social Studies study guides for each unit that we will cover. If your child needs some extra guidance and review on a subject we covered in class please use the study guides!

Upcoming Quizzes on Seesaw
Monday, February 1st: Math- Subtraction with and without Regrouping, Writing- Complete Sentences

Focus Areas for the Coming Week
Reading: Important vs. Unimportant details
Math: Review activities in Seesaw
Science: Weather- Storm activities in Seesaw

PTA Newsletter:

For all School Related Information Please Read the Puma Paw Regularly!! The link is below!

Friday, January 22, 2021

Important Dates and a Peek at the Week


Next week is a B Week

Asynchronous (on your own) Specials: Music, PE, Art, Search
Synchronous (live google meet) Specials: Library

Report Cards
Report Cards will be available in ParentVue on Tuesday, January 26th.

Mid-Year MAP Testing
The first week in February, all 2nd grade students will be taking the Reading MAP assessment and the Math MAP assessment. During this time, students will be signing on to our live google meet every morning from 8:15 to 8:45 for Morning Meeting and Read Aloud. At 8:45, your child will either stay on the computer if it’s their testing day, or log off and have an asynchronous day of work. However, there WILL BE reading groups in the afternoon that week. Please look for an email letting you know what days your child will be testing. Each student will be testing 2 different days during that first week of February. 

Basic Addition and Subtraction Timed Drills
We will be starting timed math drills in February. Students will be given 5 minutes to complete as many addition and subtraction problems as they can. There are a total of 50 problems on the paper. Please keep in mind, we do not expect students to reach this goal of completing 50 problems until the end of 2nd grade. This is a standard we will be working towards. As the year progresses, students become more fluent with their basic facts and more comfortable with the idea that they are being timed and their scores improve so please do not worry if your child is not completing them. These timed drills are found in their silver folder that was given to them at the supply pick-up. Students should not be completing these on their own. 

Picture Day
Picture Day is scheduled for January 27th and January 28th from 8:00am to 2:00pm. A sign up genius was sent out for you to pick a day and time. 

Study Guides Button on Schoology
I have added a button to my Schoology page that will contain all the Science and Social Studies study guides for each unit that we will cover. If your child needs some extra guidance and review on a subject we covered in class please use the study guides!

Upcoming Quizzes on Seesaw
Friday, January 25th: Reading- Cause and Effect Quiz, Science- Water Cycle/Seasons Quiz

Focus Areas for the Coming Week
Reading: Cause and Effect
Writing: Friendly Letter writing
Math: Subtraction with Regrouping
Science: Weather

PTA Newsletter:

For all School Related Information Please Read the Puma Paw Regularly!! The link is below!

Friday, January 15, 2021

Important Dates and a Peek at Our Week


Next week is a A Week

Asynchronous (on your own) Specials: Library
Synchronous (live google meet) Specials: Music, P.E., Guidance, Art

No School
January 18th- Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 19th- Planning Day for teachers
January 20th- Inauguration Day

End of Quarter 2
Next Friday, January 15th, is the last day of Q2. Please make sure your child has completed ALL Seesaw assignments. 

Report Cards
Report Cards will be available in ParentVue on Tuesday, January 26th.

Supply Pick-Up
2nd Grade Supply Pick Up is scheduled for Tuesday, January 19th from 3:00 to 5:00. Please click the link below for more information. Please keep in mind it's very important that these supplies are picked up. They will be used in our daily lessons. 

Picture Day
Picture Day is scheduled for January 27th and January 28th from 8:00am to 2:00pm. A sign up genius was sent out for you to pick a day and time. 

Cognitive Abilities Test- CogATs
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) administration for second grade students, scheduled for February, 2021, will be postponed. This assessment will be rescheduled and administered in the fall when students are back in school in person. The results from the CogAT are used as one part of the gifted education identification process. If you have any questions, you may contact the Office of Assessment Services or the Office of Gifted Education.

Study Guides Button on Schoology
I have added a button to my Schoology page that will contain all the Science and Social Studies study guides for each unit that we will cover. If your child needs some extra guidance and review on a subject we covered in class please use the study guides!

Upcoming Quizzes on Seesaw
**No quizzes are assigned in Seesaw next week**

Focus Areas for the Coming Week
Reading: Review Author's Message
Writing: Finish writing Nonfiction "All About" books
Math: Subtraction with Regrouping
Science: Weather

PTA Newsletter:

For all School Related Information Please Read the Puma Paw Regularly!! The link is below!

Friday, January 8, 2021

Important Dates and a Peek at the Week


Next week is a B Week

Asynchronous (on your own) Specials: Music, Search, PE. Art

Synchronous (live google meet) Specials: Library

No School
January 18th- Martin Luther King Jr Day
January 19th- Planning Day for teachers
January 20th- Inauguration Day

***All afternoon groups will be cancelled next week due to DRA and PALS testing. 

* Not all students need to do the reading assessments next week.  There are 3 different assessments.  Some students may be taking only one, some two, and some all three.  If your child is being tested, I have already spoken to your child and have sent an email or remind message.  I will remind students who are being tested next week as well.

End of Quarter 2
Next Friday, January 15th, is the last day of Q2. Please make sure your child has completed ALL Seesaw assignments. 

Cognitive Abilities Test- CogATs
The Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT) administration for second grade students, scheduled for February, 2021, will be postponed. This assessment will be rescheduled and administered in the fall when students are back in school in person. The results from the CogAT are used as one part of the gifted education identification process. If you have any questions, you may contact the Office of Assessment Services or the Office of Gifted Education.

Study Guides Button on Schoology
I have added a button to my Schoology page that will contain all the Science and Social Studies study guides for each unit that we will cover. If your child needs some extra guidance and review on a subject we covered in class please use the study guides!

PTA Newsletter:

Upcoming Quizzes on Seesaw
Wednesday, Jan. 13th- Math: Estimating Sums Quiz
Friday, Jan. 15th- Reading: Author's Purpose Quiz, Science: Forces and Magnets Quiz

Focus Areas for the Coming Week
Reading: Author's Purpose
WritingNonfiction "All About" books
Math: Estimating sums and starting Subtraction with Regrouping
Science: Forces and Magnets

For all School Related Information Please Read the Puma Paw Regularly!! The link is below!

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...