Friday, September 16, 2016

Back To School Night

Thank you to all the parents who attended Back to School Night!  I hope the session was informative to you.  I look forward to a successful year with your son or daughter.  Without your support, everything we do in school would not be possible!

If you didn't get a chance to sign up for a conference, please email to schedule a date and time to discuss your son or daughters progress in second grade.

All information discussed is below.  If you have any questions please feel free to email me at

Mrs. Allen's Second Grade 2016-2017

School Hours: 
School begins at 7:50 am and ends at 2:35 pm.  Children will be marked tardy if they are not in the classroom by 7:50 am.  Students will also be marked if they leave school early.

Please make sure that your child knows how they are getting home every day.  If there is a change in their daily routine, you MUST send a note or contact me at the school immediately.  I am unable to place children on a different bus or with a friend or family member without a note or parental permission.  This policy ensures your child’s safety.

If you will be picking your child up at dismissal time, please familiarize yourself with the traffic patterns in the parking lot.  Please stay in your vehicles in the Kiss ‘N” Go lanes so that we may keep traffic moving smoothly.  If you would like to come into the school to get your child at dismissal be sure to park in the parking lot and not in the Kiss “N” Go lane.
Classroom Blog:
Please sign up for our classroom blog.  Homework and test/quiz dates, monthly newsletters, and other important information can be found on our classroom blog.

Communication / Notes:
Your child will be bringing home a daily homework folder every night.  Please try to check this folder each evening.  You may also use this folder to send any notes, information, and communication to the office or me.  If I need to send home important information, it will be put into this folder.  Your child’s homework will also be placed in this folder.

Pinebrook has a wonderful web site, which you will want to check out (  You can access the second grade webpage and also our classroom webpage from this site.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have. My email address is

Classroom Behavior 
I expect students in second grade to behave and follow directions.  The first week the students and I discussed and practiced good behavior and what is expected of them.  We also discussed consequences for misbehavior.

Classroom Management Positive Reinforcement 
How does it work?
Any time I see a student making a good choice – following directions quickly and quietly, being helpful to another student, going the extra mile, etc. I use a star hole punch to punch out one of the squares on a student’s punch card.  When all the squares are punched, they can earn a reward coupon. There are many rewards coupons which include lunch with the teacher, wear a hat for the day, sit in the teacher’s chair, wear slippers for the day, sit next to a buddy in class, extra computer time, and much more!

Consequences of Misbehavior
All students will start each day on
Ready to Learn.  If a child breaks one of our classroom rules, he or she will move their clip down. The first step down is Think About It which is a warning.  The next step down is Teacher’s Choice. This will usually be a 5 minute time out of recess.  The next step down is Parent Contact.  I will send home a Think Sheet so you are aware of the misbehavior in class.

Monday: Physical Education and Music
Tuesday: Guidance/Search and Physical Education
Wednesday: Computer Lab and Library
Thursday: Physical Education and Music
Friday: Art
Lunch is from 11:38-12:08
Please make sure your child wears sneakers on P.E. days and to return library books for Library on Wednesday.

Homework / Agendas:
Homework should be completed nightly (NO HOMEWORK ON FRIDAYS).  All homework is due back to school the next day.   In addition to the regular homework, students should be reading 20 minutes each night.

Students will use agendas to write daily homework and other important reminders.  These agenda books are the student’s responsibility.

Online Resources
Raz-Kids – This is an online site that has hundreds of interactive, leveled readers for students to practice their reading. (Available starting in November)

Reflex Math – This is a fun and interactive online site that allows students to practice their math fact fluency.

In second grade, the following key is used for report cards:

Progress Indicators:
E – Exceeds Standards
M – Meets Standards
P – Progressing Toward Standards
B – Below Standards

Effort Grades
O – Outstanding
S – Satisfactory
N – Needs Improvement
You will see either a 1,1+, 2, 2+, 3, 3+, or 4 next to each SOL being tested.
1  Performing Below Standard
2 Progressing Towards Standard
3 Meets Standard
4 Exceeds Standard

A study guide will be given about one week before each test.

Study guides will NOT be given out.

Re-Test Procedure
Students who score below a 3 on a test will be given the opportunity to take the test over.  The re-test will be given 2-3 days after the original test is passed back.  The highest score a student can get on a retest is 2.8

Dressing for School:
Please make sure that your child wears mittens, boots, and other APPROPRIATE outdoor clothing. We will try to go outside for recess everyday (weather permitting) so students should be prepared for outdoor play.  Please be sure to label ALL of your child’s removable clothing.  This is a BIG help.
Please have your child wear comfortable shoes to school everyday.  We are always on the go.

Whenever a child is absent or tardy, please call the attendance line at 703-957-4330.  If you are planning a vacation or know of an extended absence ahead of time, please notify me prior to your child’s absence.  Because of the nature of the second grade curriculum and program, make-up work is not always possible to send home.  Whatever work can be done out of school will be sent home with the child before a vacation, if possible, or after the child returns.  Daily attendance at school is very important to school success.

Please write your child’s name on their backpack with a permanent marker or on a tag.

Your child’s birthday is a special event so I will try my best to make his / her birthday a special one. Food is not allowed on birthdays. You may donate playground equipment for the classroom or a book for the classroom library for your child’s birthday.

When planning your child’s birthday party, please keep in mind the feelings of all the children at school.  Loudoun County policy states that we are unable to pass out birthday invitations unless ALL of the students are invited.  The class and school directories will list almost all of the addresses of friends so that you may mail the invites.  

Book Orders:
Scholastic book orders are sent home monthly. These are for your own use and are not mandatory to participate in. The prices are very reasonable and are less expensive than in a bookstore.  You may order online or send in a check.  Checks should be made payable to Scholastic.  If you would like me to recommend a few books, just let me know.

Newsletters will be posted on the classroom blog on the 1st of each month.  Please take note of the special events and important activities taking place each month.

Lunch and Snack:
The easiest and most convenient way to pay for your child’s lunch is to prepay their lunch account with a check made payable to the County of Loudoun or to pay online.  The monthly lunch menu will designate prices, and parents can designate money for lunch, ice cream, or milk.  You may send checks for lunch in your child’s daily folder as needed and I will forward it to the cafeteria staff.  Please be sure your check is labeled with your child’s lunch code and name in order to properly credit your child’s account.  Your child will use their six-digit student number every time they buy food in the cafeteria.  Please make sure they are familiar with this code.

Due to our late lunch, we will be having snack in the classroom.  Please make sure snacks do not contain peanut or nut products.  Students should bring in a healthy snack.

Toys, Gadgets, Gizmos, etc.:
Please do not send your child to school with any of these items.  We have plenty of lessons and activities to keep us busy here at school.  Bringing toys to school can often result in distractions and interruptions during class time and even lead to some tears if the items are lost or broken.  This is a Pinebrook policy!!!

Any medication your child may need should be handled with our school nurse.  Please see the school nurse with any medical concerns or questions.

I cannot distribute any medication, cough drops, or ointment, etc. in the classroom.  In addition, your child is not allowed to bring any medication (including cough drops) to school for safety purposes.  If you any questions or concerns, please contact the school nurse.


Math - Students will switch classes for math.  Your child will take a math pre-assessment to determine which math class they will be placed in.
Word Study - Students are grouped according to word features they may have missed.  These groups will change throughout the year.

Reading - Students will be grouped in reading groups by ability. These groups will continuously switch throughout the year.

Let me conclude by saying that I am looking forward to working with you and your child in the coming school year.  If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.

This is a lot of information and I truly appreciate you taking the time to read it!  It’s going to be a GREAT year!

Mrs. Allen

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...