Wednesday, October 5, 2016

Bring Your Own Technology

We will be starting BYOT (Bring Your Own Technology) in our class on Tuesday, October 11th! A Pinebrook Elementary School Student Contract was sent home with students today. Please read this with your child to make sure he/she understands the guidelines. This form needs to be returned for them to be allowed to participate in BYOT.

Students in this classroom will primarily be using their devices during center time so please make sure Raz-Kids is easily accessible to them on their device. Ear buds must be worn for this program due to the read aloud aspect of Raz-Kids.

At times, students will be allowed to use Reflex Math during math time as well. Please also have this program on their device.

Teachers are not allowed to touch devices. If your child is having a difficult time using the device, they will be asked to take it home and ask their parents for assistance.

Consequences for not using device properly: Pinebrook Policy
1st Violation- 2 week suspension from using device in school
2nd Violation- 1 month suspension from using device in school
3rd Violation- Suspended use for the remainder of the school year

If you would like more information on BYOT please go to the Pinebrook website. There is a BYOT link on the left hand side. Go to the Parent Information tab and open up the Parent Information PowerPoint.
Please let me know if you have any questions!

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