Friday, September 29, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Communities Test: Monday, October 2nd

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week

Fall Harvest Party
Our first class party will be on October 31st from 1:30 to 2:30 pm. All parents are welcome to come!
Look for details to come!

School Dates/Events
October 3rd-Watch Dog Kick-off 6:00pm
October 4th- Walk To School Day (meet at Kirkpatrick HOA parking lot) 7:20am
October 9th- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day
October 11th- Moveable Monday
October 23rd- Student Holiday
October 26th- Moveable Monday

PTA Events/Dates
September 30th- Fall Festival 4:00pm
October 4th- Girl Scout Troop Formation Night- 7:00pm
October 16th- PTA meeting- 4:00

 A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will practice identifying the problem and solution of a story.

Writing: Students will continue our writing unit: Writing Like an Author.

Math: We will combine addition and subtraction.

Social Studies: We have our Communities test on Monday!

Science: We will begin our Habitats unit.


Communities Test- 10/2
Combined Test on Addition and Subtraction- 10/6
Habitat Test- 10/18

Thursday, September 28, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Communities Test: Monday, October 2nd
Word Study Quiz:  TOMORROW, Friday, September 29th
Subtraction Quiz:  TOMORROW, Friday, September 29th

Tuesday, September 26, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Communities Test: Monday, October 2nd
Word Study Quiz:  Friday, September 29th
Subtraction Quiz:  Friday, September 29th
Math Worksheet

Monday, September 25, 2017



Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Communities Test:  October 2nd
Word Study Quiz:  Friday, September 29th
Math Worksheet

Friday, September 22, 2017

A Peek At Our Week and Important Dates

Happy Friday!

Picture Day is coming!!
School pictures are on September 26th- We will be taking them at 8:10 am. Please try and have your children here on time that morning so that they don't miss them!!

School Dates/Events
September 26th- School Picture Day
October 3rd-Watch Dog Kick-off 6:00pm
October 9th- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day
October 11th- Moveable Monday

PTA Events/Dates
September 30th- Fall Festival 4:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will practice writing the Beginning, Middle, and End of a story.

Writing: Students will begin a new writing unit- Writing Like an Author.

Math: We will continue with our addition and subtraction unit (reviewing skills from 1st grade).

Social Studies: We will continue our unit on Communities.

Subtraction Quiz- 9/29
Communities Test- 10/2
Combined Test on Addition and Subtraction- 10/6


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)

Thursday, September 21, 2017

Wednesday, September 20, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition Test:  September 21st

Tuesday, September 19, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Scientific Method Test:  TOMORROW, September 20th
Addition Test:  September 21st
Math Worksheet

Monday, September 18, 2017

Math Timed Drill

Today was our first of many timed drills.  Timed drills will be given almost every Monday throughout the year.  At the start of the year, students are given 5 minutes to complete 50 basic addition and subtraction facts from 0-20.  At the start of the third quarter, students will be given only 4 minutes to complete this. 

The Standard of Learning (SOL) 2.5b which is also on the report card states: The student will demonstrate fluency with addition and subtraction within 20.

Please practice basic addition and subtraction facts at home.  Flash cards and/or Reflex Math are two great tools you can use to practice at home.

Raisin Experiment

Today in class we practiced the steps of the Scientific Method and did an experiment called Dancing Raisins.  If you would like to practice the Scientific Method and try the experiment at home, click on the link below for video directions.

Scientific Method
1. Ask a Question
2. Make a Hypothesis
3. Do the experiment
4. Observe
5. Collect Data
6. Conclusion

Dancing Raisin Experiment

Word Study

Word Study
Students received their new Word Study words today.  One copy will be sent home today and another copy will be used in class.  Students will have their words for 2 weeks and will be tested next Friday.  Please practice spelling the words at home and also sorting the words by the correct feature.  We will be doing a lot of daily activities to practice Word Study words in class.  I met with each of the Word Study groups today and we went over the spelling and feature of each word.  If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Scientific Method Test:  September 20th
Addition Test:  September 21st
Math Worksheet 2-5

We are in need of large grocery paper bags for an upcoming activity.  If you go to the store and pick up a few or have extra at home, please bring them in. Thanks!

Friday, September 15, 2017

A Peek at Our Week and Important Events

Happy Friday Everyone!!

Over the past 2 weeks we have been practicing all different word study activities in class, one each day. The students took a practice quiz today to get them ready for their first real one in 2 weeks. After assessing all of the students at the beginning of they year, I organized them into groups to work on certain word features that they are still struggling with. On Monday, students will be coming home with their list of words and features to work on. All word study activities will be completed in class, however it would be great to practice these words at home also. The students will have the same list of words to practice for 2 weeks before the quiz is given. I will also be sending home an information sheet with your child on Monday about word study. Please let me know if you have any further questions!

On Monday, students will start taking their weekly timed drill assessments. As discussed at Back to School Night, students are required to know basic addition and subtraction facts up to 20. They will be taking timed drills with mixed addition and subtraction facts. By the end of the year, students should be able to answer 50 problems in 4 minutes. However, the first and second quarter, they will get 5 minutes to complete them to give them more time to practice. I give a timed drill every Monday that will come home the following week. Reflex Math is a great way to practice and work on addition and subtraction facts. More information about timed drills came home in your child's folder today.

PTA Events/Dates
September 30th- Fall Festival 4:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will practice making connections while reading a story.

Writing: Students will publish their Small Moments into a book.

Math: We will continue with our addition and subtraction unit (reviewing skills from 1st grade).

Science: We will continue our unit on Scientific Method.

Social Studies: We will begin a unit on Communities.

 Science- Scientific Method Quiz- 9/20
Math- Addition Quiz- 9/21


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Scientific Method Test:  September 20th
Addition Test:  September 21st

Thursday, September 14, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Scientific Method Test:  September 20th
Addition Test:  September 21st
Math Worksheet 2-2

Wednesday, September 13, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Scientific Method Test:  September 20th
Addition Test:  September 21st
Math Worksheet 1-2

Tuesday, September 12, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Scientific Method Test:  September 20th
Addition Test:  September 21st
Math Worksheet

Monday, September 11, 2017


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Scientific Method Test:  September 20th

Friday, September 8, 2017

Upcoming Events and A peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!!!!

Reflex Math
Thank you to all the parents that helped your children earn Fun Friday by completing all of Reflex Math this week!! Another 60 minutes is due next Friday! It can be completed anytime from now until then!!

Study Guides
Reminder- Study guides will only be given out for Social Studies and Science units. If you are looking for ways to study for math assessments, keep homework!! The skills that are covered on math homework will be what is covered on the math assessments! Please let me know if you have any questions!!

Collection for Hurricane Victims

We at Pinebrook Elementary School feel it’s an important character trait to encourage in our students both empathy for and compassion towards others.  In light of recent weather-related devastation in Texas and future expected destruction in Florida, we would like to encourage our students to collect needed supplies for both of those areas. As there are ongoing needs we will offer a series of relief effort.
Our first effort is a non-perishable and supplies collection.  Whatever you might be able to give is most appreciated.  We will collect these items in designated boxes in the front entrance of the school. The collection will begin on Friday, September 8 and continue until Tuesday, September 12.
Most needed supplies are:
·         Non-perishable food items (canned goods, rice, cereal, dry milk, pasta, etc.)
·         Paper products (toilet paper, paper towels)
·         Toiletries (toothbrushes, toothpaste, deodorant, lotion)
Thank you in advance for your generosity and for coming together as a community to help those in need during these difficult times. 

Upcoming Events
September 11th- Patriot Day Ceremony (Wear red, white, and blue)

PTA Events/Dates
September 11th- Volunteer Parent Coffee at 8:35am
September 11th- PTA meeting at 6:30pm
September 12th- Room Parent Training 6:30pm
September 14th- Believe Kids Fundraiser begins
September 15th- Box Tops Collection
September 30th- Fall Festival 4:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will practice making thoughtful predictions.

Writing: Students will continue to work on their Small Moments.

Math: We will begin an addition and subtraction unit (reviewing skills from 1st grade).

Science: We will being our unit on Scientific Method and conduct investigations and experiments.


Calendar Quiz- 9/11 (please review days of the week, months, how to write a date, and use a calendar)
Science- Scientific Method Quiz- 9/20

Dream Box

I passed out log in information for Dream Box today. This is a math program builds conceptual understanding, increases procedural fluency, and raises student achievement.  This is not mandatory and will not be checked.  If you are looking for enrichment opportunities at home, this is a great program!

DreamBox Internet Address

DreamBox School Code


Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Calendar Test:  Monday:  September 11th

Thursday, September 7, 2017

Reflex Math

REMINDER:  60 minutes of Reflex Math is due by tomorrow in order to participate in FUN FRIDAY!  Today I will go over how many minutes each student has completed and how much they still owe by tomorrow.  If you have any questions, please email me at


Citizenship Test:  TOMORROW, Friday, September 8th
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Calendar Test:  Monday:  September 11th
Math Calendar Worksheet

Wednesday, September 6, 2017


All students at Pinebrook needed to change their passwords for increased security.
Login:  Lunch Code
Password:  Pnbpuma(class number)!

For example:  If a student's class number is 7, the password would be Pnbpuma7!


Citizenship Test:  Friday, September 8th
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Calendar Test:  Monday:  September 11th
Math Calendar Worksheet

Tuesday, September 5, 2017


Citizenship Test:  Friday, September 8th
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Calendar Test:  Monday:  September 11th
Math Calendar Worksheet

* Reminder - Study guides are only given for Science and Social Studies.  If you want to study Calendar Skills for Math, you can review nightly math homework.

Friday, September 1, 2017

Upcoming Events and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!! I hope the students enjoyed the first full week of school as much as I did!! They all did a wonderful job with our first lock down drill and fire drill practice!

Reflex Math
Students are to complete 60 minutes of Reflex Math by next Friday, September 8th! They need to complete all 60 mins to participate in Fun Friday! It helps to set a timer each time and keep track of the minutes!

Walk to School Day- Wednesday, September 6th.
If you would like your child to participate, meet Mr.McPherson and Mr. Lose at Kirkpatrick Farm Clubhouse at 7:20 am

Upcoming Events

September 4th- NO SCHOOL- Labor Day
September 5th- Moveable Monday- we will be following a Monday schedule in school
September 11th- Patriot Day Ceremony

PTA Events/Dates
September 11th- Volunteer Parent Coffee at 8:35am
September 11th- PTA meeting at 6:30pm
September 12th- Room Parent Training 6:30pm
September 14th- Believe Kids Fundraiser begins
September 15th- Box Tops Collection
September 30th- Fall Festival 4:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will identify different story elements.

Writing: Students will begin writing Small Moments.

Math: We will continue reviewing our calendar skills.

Social Studies: We will continue with our Citizenship Unit.


Citizenship Quiz- 9/8 (please use study guide to help your child prepare for the quiz)
Calendar Quiz- 9/11 (please review days of the week, months, how to write a date, and use a calendar)


Citizenship Test:  Friday, September 8th
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...