Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Spirit Week

To celebrate National School Counseling Week next week (February 5th-9th) – which falls only one week before Random Acts of Kindness Week – we are going to focus on the character traits of Kindness and Acceptance.

Please join us in a Spirit Week by doing the following:

Monday - Orange You Glad?

Orange you glad you go to our school? Celebrate by wearing orange.

Tuesday - Hats Off to You

Wear your favorite hat to school. Tip for Teachers: Give each student an opportunity to saw "My Hat's off to ________ because _________________.” Encourage giving compliments and encouragement to one another.

Wednesday - Warm & Fuzzy Notes

Wear your most comfortable fleece or sweatshirt. Tip for Teachers: Send warm and fuzzy notes to coworkers and help students to make cards to give friends, parents, and teachers to tell them how much they are appreciated. Parents: leave a note for your child on their pillow at home.

Thursday - We Are All Different

In honor of the Native American proverb "To know the heart and mind of a person, you must walk a mile in his/her moccasins," wear different or crazy socks. Tip for Teachers: Guide your class in discussion of the differences you see. Discuss the concepts of diversity and empathy.

Friday - We Love Learning

Students: Wear your favorite Pinebrook gear or college shirt; Teachers/Staff: wear your college shirt or colors. Tip for Teachers: Share with your students your favorite college experience. Paint the picture of why college is an experience for which to strive.


Weather Test:  Thursday, February 1st
Word Study Quiz:  Friday, February 2nd
Reflex Math
Give at least 1 compliment to a family member

CogAT (Cognitive Abilities Test)

During the month of February, second grade students in Loudoun County Public Schools will take the online Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), Form 7, Level 8. The CogAT measures general and specific cognitive skills that allow a student to learn new tasks or solve problems in the absence of direct instruction.

Students’ verbal, quantitative, and nonverbal reasoning abilities are measured by three test batteries, each of which is comprised of three subtests. Students typically complete three subtests per day, for three consecutive school days, to complete all nine subtests. These tests are untimed; however, each day’s testing period usually does not exceed 90 minutes. Students work through each subtest at his or her own pace, and the entire test is read aloud to students by means of pre-recorded audio.

Students cannot prepare or study for the CogAT. Instead, they will have the opportunity to become familiar with test items through teacher-directed practice activities. Additionally, practice questions, administered before the first subtest, will familiarize students with the online testing environment.

Score reports will be sent home to parents/guardians together with the 3rd Quarter report card.

Friday, January 26, 2018

A Peek At Our Week and Important Dates

Happy Friday!!!

Valentine's Day Party
We will be having our Valentine's Day class party on February 14th from 11:00 am- 12:30 pm. This will be a pizza party with snacks and games/activities. If your child does not like pizza or is not allowed to eat pizza please send them in with a lunch that day.

A list of student names along with the party details was sent home. Students need to have a Valentine for everyone. Please no candy or food attached to the Valentine's. We will be making Valentine's Day bags in class and Valentine's will be passed out at the party.

A Word From our Guidance Counselors: 

Comfort Case Donation Drive

A Comfort Case is a NEW small duffel bag or backpack holding BRAND NEW items listed below to be delivered to a child entering foster care. With the hope of replacing trash bags traditionally carried in lieu of a ‘suitcase’ by those in foster care, Comfort Cases provides essentials for the first few days in a new place, as well as comfort items. Children need to know that their community cares about them, and wants them to have something of their very own. Learn more by visiting:
An opportunity to bring your community together to pack a sense of hope & support to foster children as you assemble complete Comfort Cases.
With your help, we can provide a local foster child with some hope by giving them a comfort case and showing them that their community cares about them.  We are asking for Donations of new items from each grade, as follows:

KINDERGARTEN     Coloring books and crayons
1ST GRADE               Stuffed Animals
2ND GRADE              Backpacks or duffel bags
3RD GRADE              Blankets
4TH GRADE               Pajamas
5TH GRADE               Journal with pens or pencils


Donations Due by February 9th.


Hello parents! We are gearing up for our 6th annual STEAM EXPO at Pinebrook, but we need YOUR help! The EXPO will be during the school day on March 2nd. In order to make this day a big success, we need supply donations for the many fun engineering activities that we have planned. Please consider donating! Donations are due by Jan. 31st. Thanks for ALL your help. It is greatly appreciated.

School Dates/Events
January 26- End of Q2
January 29th- No School For Students (Teacher Planning Day)
January 31st- Moveable Monday
February 7th- Walk to School Day
February 7th- Report Cards will be available on line for you to view

PTA Events/Dates

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will identify parts of a fairy tale and compare/contrast fairy tales.

Writing: Students will begin writing Fractured Fairy tales.

Math: We will review skills and concepts taught in Q2 and begin Geometry.

Science: We will continue working on our weather unit.

Weather Test- 2/1
Word Study Quiz- 2/2

Thursday, January 25, 2018


Weather Test:  February 2nd
Reflex Math (60 minutes)
Graphing Test: January 26th
Graph Worksheet

Wednesday, January 24, 2018


Weather Test:  February 2nd
Reflex Math (60 minutes)
Graphing Test: January 26th
Graph Worksheet

Tuesday, January 23, 2018


Weather Test:  February 2nd
Reflex Math (60 minutes)
Graphing Test: January 26th
Graph Worksheet

Monday, January 22, 2018


Weather Test:  February 2nd
Reflex Math (60 minutes)
Graphing Test: January 26th
Graph Worksheet

Friday, January 19, 2018

Wednesday, January 17, 2018

STEAM Expo 2018

STEAM Expo 2018

Hello parents! We are gearing up for our 6th annual STEAM EXPO at Pinebrook, but we need YOUR help! The EXPO will be during the school day on March 2nd. In order to make this day a big success, we need donations for the many fun engineering activities that we have planned. Please consider donating! Click on the link below to sign up. Donations are due by Jan. 31st. Thanks for ALL your help. It is greatly appreciated.



Probability Quiz:  Thursday, January 18th
Word Study Quiz:  Friday, January 19th

Tuesday, January 16, 2018


Probability Quiz:  Thursday, January 18th
Word Study Quiz:  Friday, January 19th

Tuesday, January 9, 2018

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week

School Dates/Events
January 10- Walk to School Day- 7:20 am at Kirkpatrick HOA parking lot
January 15- No School- MLK Jr. Day

PTA Events/Dates
January 12- Box Tops Due

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will continue to identify cause and effect in a story.

Writing: Students are researching a country for their Fantasy Vacation.

Math: We will continue working on probability.

Science: We will continue our magnets unit.

Magnet Test- 1/11
Probability Quiz- 1/18
Word Study- 1/19

Date Changes Due to Snow Days

Magnet Test will be Thursday, January 11th
Probability Quiz will be on Thursday, January 18th
Word Study Quiz will be NEXT Friday, January 19th

A Note From Mrs. Allen

Dear Parents,
It was so nice to see all the students today!  Everyone welcomed me back with a smile. The students were on their best behavior and I'm looking forward to seeing all the progress that has been made. If you need to contact me, please feel free to email me at
Mrs. Allen

Tuesday, January 2, 2018

School Dentist

A dentist from Smile Virginia will be coming to our school later this month.  Your child has a form in their folders about this if you are interested.  It is optional, and you do not have to send the form back if your child already has other dental care. If you want your child to participate, please send it back as soon as possible.  Thanks!

Happy New Year!!

Hope you all had a wonderful holiday season and enjoyed your break!  Below is a link of pictures from our gingerbread house decorating that I forgot to post. Thanks Maria for taking the photos!  It was a fun time! 
Back to school and back to homework, so for tonight, there is a math worksheet.  We are starting a unit on probability.  Next Mon, 1/8, is the test on magnets, and there is a study guide coming home tonight for that.

Happy New Year!

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...