Wednesday, January 31, 2018

Spirit Week

To celebrate National School Counseling Week next week (February 5th-9th) – which falls only one week before Random Acts of Kindness Week – we are going to focus on the character traits of Kindness and Acceptance.

Please join us in a Spirit Week by doing the following:

Monday - Orange You Glad?

Orange you glad you go to our school? Celebrate by wearing orange.

Tuesday - Hats Off to You

Wear your favorite hat to school. Tip for Teachers: Give each student an opportunity to saw "My Hat's off to ________ because _________________.” Encourage giving compliments and encouragement to one another.

Wednesday - Warm & Fuzzy Notes

Wear your most comfortable fleece or sweatshirt. Tip for Teachers: Send warm and fuzzy notes to coworkers and help students to make cards to give friends, parents, and teachers to tell them how much they are appreciated. Parents: leave a note for your child on their pillow at home.

Thursday - We Are All Different

In honor of the Native American proverb "To know the heart and mind of a person, you must walk a mile in his/her moccasins," wear different or crazy socks. Tip for Teachers: Guide your class in discussion of the differences you see. Discuss the concepts of diversity and empathy.

Friday - We Love Learning

Students: Wear your favorite Pinebrook gear or college shirt; Teachers/Staff: wear your college shirt or colors. Tip for Teachers: Share with your students your favorite college experience. Paint the picture of why college is an experience for which to strive.

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