Friday, September 28, 2018

Important Information and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!
Important Information About School Pictures:
Fall pictures will be taken Wednesday, October 3rd. This will be a day for individual pictures only; a whole-class picture will be taken in the Spring.  Following are some guidelines to help facilitate your picture order / purchase:

If possible, please order your child's pictures online.  It's the fastest, easiest, and most convenient way to order your child's pictures.  If you order online, you do not need to send anything to school with your child on Picture Day!

If you are not ordering online, please fill out the payment envelope, enclose your payment, and send it to school on picture day.  Your payment envelope must include your child's name, my name, your "look" (or background) selection, your package selection, and your payment.

Picture purchase is optional.
Fall Festival
Come on out to PNB Saturday for the Fall Festival. It will be going on from 4:00 pm- 7:00 pm!!
Fall Conferences
Conferences are right around the corner. I will be sending home a reminder sheet with the date and time you signed up for. If that time no longer works please let me know and I will give  you some other available times!
School Dates/Events
Oct. 2- Watch Dog Dads Pizza Night- 6:00pm
Oct. 3- Picture Day 
Oct. 3- Interims will be emailed home
Oct. 8- No School- Columbus Day
Oct. 9- Moveable Monday
PTA Events/Dates
Sept. 29- Fall Festival 4:00-7:00pm
Oct. 12- Believe Kids Fundraiser ends
Oct. 26- Glow Run 6:30pm (go to to register)
A Peek At Our Week
Reading: Students will practice writing important events from the beginning, middle, and end of a story.
Writing: We will continue to "Write Like Authors" and use different author's crafts that we learned about. 
Social Studies: We will continue our unit on Communities.
Science: We will begin a unit on Habitats.
Math: We will continue working on Place Value.
Communities Test- 10/2
Unit 2 Math Test- 10/15


Reflex Math Due Friday
Communities Test - Oct. 2nd

A study guide was sent home this week.  You can also study using the Communities Quizlet by clicking on the link below.  The questions are taken directly off the test.

Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Tuesday, September 25, 2018


The new math program that Loudoun County started this year is called Go Math.  Go Math! is a comprehensive Grade K-6 mathematics program developed to support the Virginia State Standards for Mathematics.. The program emphasizes Essential Questions and Big Ideas with depth of understanding as the goal. 
There are a lot of great resources available to students online that go along with what we are learning in class, as well as addition practice activities.  Students can log into LCPSGO using their lunch code and then their password is Puma(lunch code).  From there you can click on Go Math!  For a quick video on the different lessons, click on My Library and then Interactive Student Edition, G2.  For additional worksheets, click on Strategic Intervention (SE)G2. 
These are all great resources to reinforce topics covered in class. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at


Reflex Math due Friday
Math Worksheet
Communities Quiz:  October 2nd

Monday, September 24, 2018


Reflex Math due Friday
Math Worksheet

Math Timed Drills - Today I will be sending home math timed drills.  The students were given 5 minutes to complete 50 problems.  Starting in the third quarter, students will only be given 4 minutes to complete 50 problems. Throughout the year, we will track students progress on these timed drills.  Reflex Math is a great resource to use to help improve scores on timed drills.

Friday, September 21, 2018

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!

Important Information About School Pictures:
Fall pictures will be taken Wednesday, October 3rd.  I sent home information about pictures in yesterday's Thursday folder.  This will be a day for individual pictures only; a whole-class picture will be taken in the Spring.  Following are some guidelines to help facilitate your picture order / purchase:

If possible, please order your child's pictures online.  It's the fastest, easiest, and most convenient way to order your child's pictures.  If you order online, you do not need to send anything to school with your child on Picture Day!

If you are not ordering online, please fill out the payment envelope, enclose your payment, and send it to school on picture day.  Your payment envelope must include your child's name, my name, your "look" (or background) selection, your package selection, and your payment.

Picture purchase is optional.

Donuts with Dads:
The PTA is hosting a "Donuts with Dads" on Friday, September 28th from 7:00 - 7:30 am at school.  All dads and kids are welcome.  To ensure there are enough doughnuts for everyone in attendance, please complete the Donuts with Dads RSVP form found on the Pinebrook homepage.

Brown Paper Bags 
If you have any brown paper grocery bags, please bring them into school.  We need one for each student to make vests for the Native American performance.

Water Bottles
Please have your child bring a water bottle to school.  Students are missing important instruction going to the water fountain in the hallway.  Next week students need to have a water bottle and will not be sent to the hallway fountains unless it's an emergency.

Word Study
The students should now have a copy of their word study words. Please practice sorting these words with your child and challenging them with other words that would fit the same pattern. There will be no actual Word Study homework, all activities will be worked on in school everyday. Students will have the same words for another week and then will have their word study quiz on Friday, September 28th.

Timed Drills
On Monday, students will be given their first timed drill( we didn't have time this past Monday) in math. There will be a mixture of 50 addition and subtraction problems. Students will have 5 minutes to answer as many as possible. We do not expect students to master this skill until the end of 2nd grade and will be working on it all year long. If over the next few weeks/month,  you see your child struggling with their facts, please work on speed and fluency with math facts at home as well. Reflex Math and Flash Cards are a great way to practice!

School Dates/Events
Sept.24- Fall ASEP classes begin
Sept. 28- Donuts with Dads 7:00am-7:30am
Sept. 28- Den Rally- wear PNB gear or colors
Oct. 3 - School Pictures

PTA Events/Dates
Sept. 29- Fall Festival 4:00-7:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will make connections in stories they read.

Writing: Students will write stories using mentor texts to guide them.

Social Studies: We will continue our unit on Communities.

Math: We will continue working on number sense and learning about Place Value.


Word Study Quiz- 9/28
Communities Test - 10/2

Thursday, September 20, 2018

Communities Study Guide

The Communities Test will be October 2nd.  A study guide will be sent home today.  You can also study using the Communities Quizlet by clicking on the link below.  The questions are taken directly off the test.


Reflex Math
Math Worksheet 2-2

Tuesday, September 18, 2018


Reflex Math Due Friday
No Math Worksheet tonight because of Unit 1 test today

Monday, September 17, 2018


Reflex Math due Friday
Unit 1 Review Math Worksheet

Scientific Method Test - Tomorrow, 9/18
Unit 1 Math Test - Tomorrow 9/18

New Word Study words were passed out today.  Please use these words to practice at home.

Friday, September 14, 2018

Classroom Schedule



Important Information and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!

Word Study

On Monday, students will be put into Word Study groups based on what patterns/features they need to work on. Words will be introduced on Monday and a copy of the words will be sent home in their HW folder. Please practice sorting these words with your child and challenging them with other words that would fit the same pattern. There will be no actual Word Study homework, all activities will be worked on in school everyday. Students will have the same words for 2 week and will then be quizzed on those words on Friday.

Timed Drills

On Monday, students will be given their first timed drill in math. There will be a mixture of 50 addition and subtraction problems. Students will have 5 minutes to answer as many as possible. We do not expect students to master this skill until the end of 2nd grade and will be working on it all year long. If over the next few weeks/month,  you see your child struggling with their facts, please work on speed and fluency with math facts at home as well. Reflex Math and Flash Cards are a great way to practice!

School Dates/Events

Sept.24- Fall ASEP classes begin

Sept. 28- Donuts with Dads 7:00am-7:30am

Sept. 28- Den Rally- wear PNB gear or colors

PTA Events/Dates

Sept. 17-PTA meeting 7:00pm

Sept. 29- Fall Festival 4:00-7:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

 Reading: Students will make predictions.

 Writing: Students will publish a Small Moments book.

 Science: We will continue Scientific Method.

 Social Studies: We will begin a unit on Communities.

 Math: We will continue working on number sense and begin learning about Place Value.


Unit 1 Math Test- 9/18

Scientific Method Quiz- 9/18

Word Study Quiz- 9/28

Thursday, September 13, 2018


Reflex Math Due Friday (There has been some issues with Reflex Math this week.  Some times did not show up correctly.  If students tell me they did Reflex Math, I will give them their Fun Friday tomorrow.)
Math Worksheet
Scientific Method Test: Tuesday, September 18th

Book Orders Due Tomorrow, Friday, September 14th

Monday, September 10, 2018

Book Orders

I sent home Scholastic Book Orders with the students today.  If you are interested in ordering some books for your son or daughter, you can visit
Enter the class Activation Code: 6RX6J
Shop and submit your order online.  All books will be delivered to the classroom and then passed out to those who ordered.
If  you have any questions or need book recommendations, please email me and I can help you out.

The Scholastic Book Order is due this Friday, September 14th!

Math Quizzes

The first math quiz, on ordinal numbers, will be sent home today.  Please review the quiz and go over problems with your son/daughter.  I pulled small groups today to reteach certain concepts in class.  Similar questions to these will be on the math assessment at the end of the unit on September 18th.


Reflex Math Due Friday
Math Worksheet

Friday, September 7, 2018

Important Information and A Peek At Our Week

Math Assessments

Math quizzes will be given periodically throughout math units as a check in for the teachers to know what skills students are getting independently and what skills need to be reviewed. There will not be Level 4 critical thinking questions on these quizzes. The highest score a student can receive on these quizzes will be a 3. Like I mentioned at Back to School Night, students will not have the opportunity to retest if they receive below a 3 on a quiz. However, on the end of the unit tests, there will be an opportunity for students to go above and beyond, answer critical thinking questions, and earn a 4. If students are still struggling on end of the unit tests, and they get a 2 or below, they will have the opportunity to retest. End of unit tests will be announced and written in the agenda as well as on the blog. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Reflex Math

Congrats to those students who completed Reflex Math this week!! The students had a lot of fun during Fun Friday! 60 more minutes are due next Friday, the 14th!! Please let me know if you are having problems with the program at home.

PTA Fall Festival

Saturday, September 29th. 4:00-7:00pm.

Free admission. Fun games, food trucks, bounce house and more!!!

After School Enrichment Program (ASEP)

Information came home today about ASEP classes starting. Please sign up online. Registration begins Monday, September 10th and closes Tuesday, September 18th. No late enrollment will be accepted. Please see the flyer for further details.

School Dates/Events

Sept. 11- Patriot Day Ceremony

PTA Events/Dates

Sept. 11- Volunteer Breakfast 8:30am

Sept. 14- Box Top Collection

Sept. 17-PTA meeting 7:00pm

Sept. 29- Fall Festival 4:00-7:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will identify different story elements as well a make predictions.

Writing: Students will begin working on a writing unit: Small Moments.

Science: We will start a unit on Scientific Method.

Math: We will continue working on number sense.


Unit 1 Math Test- 9/18

Scientific Method Quiz- 9/18


Reflex Math Due Next Friday

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Thank You!!!!

 Thank you so much to the two wonderful parents that came in today to copy word study!  That is such a huge help and I really appreciate it!


Reflex Math 60 minutes Due by TOMORROW, Friday, September 7th
(Most of the students have completed their 60 minutes.  I checked scores while the kids were at lunch and will have them cross off Reflex Math in their agenda today if they have completed the 60 minutes. Thank you all for your support at home!

Math Worksheet

Wednesday, September 5, 2018


Reflex Math 60 minutes Due by Friday, September 7th
Citizenship Quiz:  Thursday, September 6th
Math Worksheet

Tuesday, September 4, 2018

Important Dates and A Peek at Our Week

Bring Your Own Technology (BYOT)

A paper is being sent home today about BYOT.  Please sign the paper and return it to school.  When you have signed the BYOT paper please feel free to send in technology with your child. Please make sure Reflex and Raz-Kids are on the device brought in and that the device is charged.

Class Directory
I will be sending home a draft copy of the class directory today. If your information is missing (and you'd like it included) or incorrect, please contact me and I will add/update your information before sending out a final copy.

School Dates/Events
Sept. 3- Labor Day -NO SCHOOL
Sept. 11- Patriot Day Ceremony

PTA Events/Dates
Sept. 11- Volunteer Breakfast 8:30am
Sept. 14- Box Top Collection
Sept. 17-PTA meeting 7:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will identify different story elements after reading a book.

Writing: Students will learn how to work during writer’s workshop.

Social Studies: We will continue our Citizenship unit- What is a good Citizen?

Math: We will begin our first unit in math-number sense.

Citizenship Quiz- 9/6


Reflex Math 60 minutes Due by Friday, September 7th
Citizenship Quiz:  Thursday, September 6th
Math Worksheet

There were a couple of glitches with Reflex Math, but those should all be resolved now.  Please let me know if you have any questions.

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...