Friday, September 7, 2018

Important Information and A Peek At Our Week

Math Assessments

Math quizzes will be given periodically throughout math units as a check in for the teachers to know what skills students are getting independently and what skills need to be reviewed. There will not be Level 4 critical thinking questions on these quizzes. The highest score a student can receive on these quizzes will be a 3. Like I mentioned at Back to School Night, students will not have the opportunity to retest if they receive below a 3 on a quiz. However, on the end of the unit tests, there will be an opportunity for students to go above and beyond, answer critical thinking questions, and earn a 4. If students are still struggling on end of the unit tests, and they get a 2 or below, they will have the opportunity to retest. End of unit tests will be announced and written in the agenda as well as on the blog. Please let me know if you have any questions!

Reflex Math

Congrats to those students who completed Reflex Math this week!! The students had a lot of fun during Fun Friday! 60 more minutes are due next Friday, the 14th!! Please let me know if you are having problems with the program at home.

PTA Fall Festival

Saturday, September 29th. 4:00-7:00pm.

Free admission. Fun games, food trucks, bounce house and more!!!

After School Enrichment Program (ASEP)

Information came home today about ASEP classes starting. Please sign up online. Registration begins Monday, September 10th and closes Tuesday, September 18th. No late enrollment will be accepted. Please see the flyer for further details.

School Dates/Events

Sept. 11- Patriot Day Ceremony

PTA Events/Dates

Sept. 11- Volunteer Breakfast 8:30am

Sept. 14- Box Top Collection

Sept. 17-PTA meeting 7:00pm

Sept. 29- Fall Festival 4:00-7:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will identify different story elements as well a make predictions.

Writing: Students will begin working on a writing unit: Small Moments.

Science: We will start a unit on Scientific Method.

Math: We will continue working on number sense.


Unit 1 Math Test- 9/18

Scientific Method Quiz- 9/18

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...