Friday, October 19, 2018

Important Dates and A Peek At The Week

Happy Friday!!

Mark Your Calendar
The 2nd grade Native American Performance will be held on Thursday, November 15th at 8:30am in the gym! Come watch your children perform skits and songs and learn about different Native American tribes!

Fall Party
Wednesday, October 31st. 11:45am- 1:00pm. All parents are welcome to attend!!

Turkey of the Year- October 19th-November 19th
Slips will be coming home today for Turkey of the Year. Each student will be given one vote for every hour that he/she reads each week. Students will then vote for the teacher/staff member that they would like to see dressed up in a turkey costume on Monday, November 19th. Students must fill out each of the following reading slips, cut along the dotted line, and turn in completed slips on Friday each week. No late submissions will be accepted. Remember to fill in the number of HOURS your child has read that week and SIGN the slip. The last reading slip is due Friday, November 16th.

Next Week is Spirit Week:
Next week, we will have a Spirit Week to celebrate Pinebrook as a bully-free zone! Themes for each day are as follows:

Tuesday:  Inside Out Day - wear your clothes inside out to show that bullying can cause hurt feelings on the inside more than anyone sees on the outside.
Wednesday:  National Unity Day - wear orange to show support for students who have been bullied.
Thursday:  Walk in Someone Else's Shoes Day - wear 2 different shoes to show compassion and empathy for someone else's situation.
Friday:  Superhero Day - Dress like a superhero to let everyone know you are a superhero in the effort to stop bullying.  You are an upstander, and practice "Stop, Walk, and Talk!"

School Dates/Events
Oct. 22- No School for Students
Oct. 24- Moveable Monday
Oct. 24- Bus Driver Appreciation Day
Oct. 26- Den Rally- wear PNB gear or colors

PTA Events/Dates
Oct. 26- Glow Run 6:30pm (go to to register)

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will continue making connections and predictions as well as work on problem solving difficult words in their reading.

Writing: We will continue writing organized paragraphs on a single topic. (Hamburger Writing)

Science: We will test on our Habitats unit and learn about Fire Safety.

Math: We will begin learning about different strategies students can use to add and subtract.

Habitats Test- 10/23
Word Study Quiz- 10/26

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...