Thursday, December 20, 2018

Happy Thursday!

Happy Thursday!

I hope everyone has a relaxing and enjoyable winter break! See you in January when we return on Wednesday, January 2nd!!!

School Dates/Events
Dec. 21-Jan. 1st- No School for Winter Break
Jan. 2- return to school
Jan. 17- End of Q2
Jan. 18- Student Holiday- No School for students
Jan. 21- No School- Martin Luther King Jr. Day
Jan. 23- Moveable Monday
Jan. 25- Report Cards will be available on Parent Vue

PTA Events/Dates
Jan. 11- Box Top Collection
Jan. 14- PTA Meeting

A Peek At Our Week- when we get back from break!!

Reading: Students will identify the most important part of a story.

Writing: We will write Fiction Stories.

Science: We will continue learning about magnets.

Math: We will begin our money unit- counting up to $2.00.

Magnet  Test- 1/10
Word Study Quiz- 1/11

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