Friday, February 8, 2019

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!!

Valentine's Day Party!
Our class party will be Thursday, February 14th, 11:45am to 1:15pm. All parents are welcome to attend and help out! We will be passing out Valentine's Day cards at the party as one of the activities. If your child would like to write out Valentine's they need to for the whole entire class! A class list has been sent home with everyone's names! Please do not send in Valentine's that have candy attached to it.  We will be making Valentine's Day bags in class.

We will also be ordering pizza during lunch.  This pizza lunch will only be for students, but please feel free to join us for the party afterwards.

Valentine's Day Message from LCPS

"In keeping with current practices designed to protect the health and safety of all children, elementary students in Loudoun County Public Schools are not permitted to distribute candy or other food items to classmates. As Valentine’s Day approaches, it is important for parents to understand that candy brought to school by students, including candy attached to Valentine’s Day cards, will be returned to the parent. Children are permitted to share Valentine's Day cards with each other, but they cannot give out candy "

CogAt Testing
Our class has completed the Verbal, Nonverbal, and Quantitative Cogat subtests.  We are officially complete.  Scores will be sent home with 3rd quarter report cards.

School Closings:  
Winter is here!  Check the Loudoun County Public Schools web site or the local television and radio stations for school closings or delays.  Check with the main office if you have any questions before the winter weather is upon us! 

School Dates/Events
Feb. 8th- Someone Special Dance
Feb 14th- Pizza Party and Valentine's Day Party in Mrs. Allen's class 11:45am- 1:15pm
Feb. 18th- No School- President's Day
Feb. 21st - 6:30-8:00 Game Night at Pinebrook

A Peek At Our Week- 

Reading: Students will continue to learn about about non-fiction texts

Writing: We will continue writing fractured fairy tales.

Social Studies: We will start to learn about Famous Americans.  

Math: We will learn about geometry (3D, 2D) 

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...