Friday, March 1, 2019

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!!

Biography Buddies

Next week, we will begin our writing unit on biographies. Over the weekend, please brainstorm with your child who they would like to research and write about. Please have students bring in a book or internet article about that person. 

We will be doing all of the writing and research in school.  The At Home piece- is creating a Biography Buddy. A cut out was sent home that each student needs to decorate to look like the person they are writing about. That's the only piece required to complete at home! If you would like to help your child research at home that's also fine! Biography Buddies will be due Wednesday, March 20th to display in the hall!

Kindergarten Playground Fundraiser:
The Kindergarten classes are holding a golf fundraiser to raise funds for a new Kindergarten playground.  The Kindergarten team asked us to pass along the following message, which I am copying and pasting from their email:

"Our Kindergarten team and the PTA  is raising monies for a special needs/ kindergarten playground.  We are organizing a golf outing on March 29th!! Flyers went out last week with information but here are some more ways you can help!  

1.  Play Golf- Sign up to play with friends or for the Kids Camp(only 16 spots for kids camp)

2.  Help us by finding a sponsor for a hole or donating to our  raffle---- Does your company donate to causes?  or do you know someone who would like their business name advertised.  Please let us know!

3.  Direct Donation-  You can just give a personal donation directly from you

Please go to:  to sign up! and direct donations!
and for sponsors, please see the attached form  or just contact  or"

Dr. Seuss Week
In celebration of Dr. Seuss’s Birthday, the week of March 4 – 8, 2019 will be filled with many” Seuss -related” activities. The activities include: the reading of “Seuss-isms”, estimation jars, “You’ve been Seuss-ed” activity, and much more. Most of the activities will be completed at school, however the following activities will originate at home.

Monday: In honor of the characters from “Who-ville”, we will have Crazy Hair Day! Get that hair gel and those bows ready. How crazy can you make your hair?
Tuesday: We love the book Fox in Socks. Students are encouraged to wear silly, wacky, mismatched socks to school today.
Wednesday: In honor of the wonderful Cat in the Hat, it is Crazy Hat Day!
Thursday: A Dr. Seuss favorite Oh the Places You Will Go! prompts all to wear their favorite College Shirt/Vacation Souvenir Shirt.
Friday: The Sleep Book is a childhood favorite so today is Pajama Day. Wear your favorite school appropriate pajamas to school. Each student will watch a Dr. Seuss Movie in their classroom.

School Dates/Events

Mar. 4th-8th - Dr. Seuss Week
Mar. 6th - 5:30-7:30 Fine Arts Night
Mar. 11th - PTA Meeting 7:00pm
Mar. 21st - Triple Play - Staff Sports Spectacular 5:45pm
Mar. 25th-29th  - Pennies for Patients
Mar. 29th - Putting for a Playground (South Riding Golf Club)
Summer Camp Online Registration Camp STEAM-TACULAR 2019 (Now Open)

April 1st - LCPS Professional Development (No school for students)

Quiz/Test Dates

March 4th Abraham Lincoln and Cesar Chavez Quiz

March 6th - Geometry Test

March 7th - Famous Americans Test

March 20th - Biography Buddy Due

March 21st - Matter Test

March 28th - Fractions Test

A Peek At Our Week- 

Reading: Students will continue to learn about about non-fiction texts

Writing: We will begin writing biographies

Social Studies: We will learn about famous Americans

Math: We will continue to learn about geometry (3D and 2D Shapes) 

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...