Friday, December 20, 2019

Have a great winter break!!!

One of the best ways to become a stronger reader is to practice every day. Remember to keep reading over winter break!!!  
Raz Kids, Reflex Math, and Dreambox are great resources to practice both reading and math skills!

First week back to school after winter break is an A week (Library on Tuesday)

Test Dates:
January 17th - Magnet Test
January 24th - Money Test
January 24th - Germs Quiz

Important Dates:
December 23rd-December 3rd - No School Winter Break
January 13th - PTA Meeting (7:00pm)
January 17th - Parents Night Out/Movie Night Hosted by Teachers Makin' Tracks (time TBD)
January 20th - Martin Luther King Jr. Day (No School)
January 21st - Teacher Planning Day (No School for students)
January 23rd - Monday Schedule
January 23rd - Get Fit with Family and Science Night 6:00pm
January 24th - Report Cards sent home via ParentVue
January 30th - Parent Coffee 8:30am

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
Reading:  We will start a new unit about reading bigger books in order to amp up our reading power.
Writing:  We will begin a new writing unit which is all about writing about the things that you read.
Math:  We will start our unit on counting money.
Health - We will begin our unit on germs.
* Science - We will begin our unit on magnets.

Thursday, December 12, 2019

Important Dates and A Peek at the Week (One Day Early!)

Image result for happy thursday clipart
Next week is an week (Library on Friday)

Gingerbread Houses
Our class will be making individual gingerbread houses on Wednesday, December 18th from 8:30-10:00.  If you are interested in coming in to help out with this fun event, all are welcome.

Each student needs to bring in one can of vanilla frosting and unopened candy (no peanuts or nuts) to share and put on the gingerbread houses.  The more items sent in, the better the gingerbread houses will look!  Some candy treats might include:  Gumdrops, M&M’s plain, Peppermints, Skittles, Hershey Kisses, Pretzels, Cereals, Mini Candy Canes, Licorice bites, etc.

Students can bring in frosting and candy treats anytime between now and Wednesday, December 18th. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Test Dates:
December 18th - Maps and Globes Test
December 20th - Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping Test
December 23rd - January 3rd Winter Break (No School)

Important Dates:
December 18th - Pinebrook Caroling at KPF Gazebo
December 23rd-December 3rd - No School Winter Break

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
Reading:  We will continue to work on nonfiction reading strategies and practice reading nonfiction text.  
Writing:  We will finish our unit on nonfiction writing. We will continue to focus on capitalization and punctuation, and beginning, middle, end. 
Math:  We will finish our unit on addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.
Social Studies - We will finish our unit on maps and globes and begin our unit on magnets.

Friday, December 6, 2019

Important Dates and a Peek at the Week

Image result for happy friday clipart snow

Next week is an week (Library on Tuesday)

Gingerbread Houses
Our class will be making individual gingerbread houses on Wednesday, December 18th from 8:30-10:00.  I am looking for parents to come in and help out with this activity.  If you are interested in coming in to help out with this fun event, please return the bottom portion of this page.

Each student needs to bring in one can of vanilla frosting and unopened candy (no peanuts or nuts) to share and put on the gingerbread houses.  The more items sent in, the better the gingerbread houses will look!  Some candy treats might include:  Gumdrops, M&M’s plain, Peppermints, Skittles, Hershey Kisses, Pretzels, Cereals, Mini Candy Canes, Licorice bites, etc.
We will also need boxes of plain graham crackers. Graham crackers will need to be sent in by Monday, December 16th so we can start putting the gingerbread houses together.  I am looking for 2 parents that can come in on Monday, December 16th to start assembling the graham cracker houses.
Students can bring in frosting and candy treats anytime between now and Wednesday, December 18th. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Holiday Shop:
We previewed the items for sale at the Pinebrook Holiday Shop yesterday. Students may purchase items Monday through Wednesday. If you would like to shop with your child, the Holiday Shop will be open Saturday morning from 9:00 - 11:30 am.

Scholastic Book Fair:

The Scholastic Book Fair will be held at school all next week. Students who bring money may shop at the Book Fair December 9th-13th. If you would like to attend the Book Fair to shop with your child, the Family Shopping Night will be Tuesday, December 10th from 3:00 pm - 6:00 pm. 

Test Dates:
December 10th - Continents and Oceans Quiz
December 13th - Subtraction with Regrouping Test
December 18th - Maps and Globes Test
December 20th - Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping Test
December 23rd - January 3rd Winter Break (No School)

Important Dates:

December 10th - Allen/Peet Map Testing Reading
December 7th - 5th Grade Pancake Breakfast 8:30am
December 9th-13th - Book Fair Shopping
December 9th-11th - Holiday Shop Shopping
December 10th - Book Fair Family Night 3pm-6pm
December 11th - Interims issued via ParentVue
December 11th - Moes Spirit Night 5pm-8pm
December 18th - Pinebrook Caroling at KPF Gazebo
December 23rd-December 3rd - No School Winter Break

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
Reading:  We will continue to work on nonfiction reading strategies and practice reading nonfiction text.  
Writing:  We will continue to write  nonfiction pieces. We will continue to focus on capitalization and punctuation, and beginning, middle, end. 
Math:  We will work on subtraction with regrouping.
Social Studies - We will continue to learn about maps and globes.

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...