Thursday, December 12, 2019

Important Dates and A Peek at the Week (One Day Early!)

Image result for happy thursday clipart
Next week is an week (Library on Friday)

Gingerbread Houses
Our class will be making individual gingerbread houses on Wednesday, December 18th from 8:30-10:00.  If you are interested in coming in to help out with this fun event, all are welcome.

Each student needs to bring in one can of vanilla frosting and unopened candy (no peanuts or nuts) to share and put on the gingerbread houses.  The more items sent in, the better the gingerbread houses will look!  Some candy treats might include:  Gumdrops, M&M’s plain, Peppermints, Skittles, Hershey Kisses, Pretzels, Cereals, Mini Candy Canes, Licorice bites, etc.

Students can bring in frosting and candy treats anytime between now and Wednesday, December 18th. Please contact me if you have any questions or concerns.

Test Dates:
December 18th - Maps and Globes Test
December 20th - Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping Test
December 23rd - January 3rd Winter Break (No School)

Important Dates:
December 18th - Pinebrook Caroling at KPF Gazebo
December 23rd-December 3rd - No School Winter Break

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
Reading:  We will continue to work on nonfiction reading strategies and practice reading nonfiction text.  
Writing:  We will finish our unit on nonfiction writing. We will continue to focus on capitalization and punctuation, and beginning, middle, end. 
Math:  We will finish our unit on addition and subtraction with and without regrouping.
Social Studies - We will finish our unit on maps and globes and begin our unit on magnets.

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

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