Tuesday, February 28, 2017

Biography Buddy Project

Dear Parents,
Next week the students will be working on a biography report (in class) on somebody famous from the past or present.  Tomorrow in library students will be able to look for books on their famous person.  I encourage students to either print off information about their famous person online at home, or get books from the public library. Students will need to bring in a book or internet facts about their famous person next week.  We will be using the information from the books and internet print outs to help write a biography report. All of the report will be written in school. If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
Mrs. Allen


China and Egypt Test: Thursday, March 2nd
Word Study Test:  Friday, March 3rd

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Fractions Test:  Friday, March 3rd
Fractions Worksheet

Monday, February 27, 2017

March Newsletter

March 2nd:  Dr. Seuss's Birthday
March 6th-10th:  Book Fair week
March 7th:  Book Fair Family Night (3:00pm-6:00pm)
March 8th:  Interims sent home
March 13th:  PTA Meeting 6:30pm
March 16th:  Biograhy Buddy Due
March 23rd:  Triple Play 6:00pm

Spring is coming!
This is a good time to do some ‘spring cleaning’ and check with your child about any school supplies they may need to get them to the end of the year.

Classroom Wish List
Green Copy Paper
Pink Copy Paper

Thank you for your continued support!
As always feel free to e-mail me at Courtney.allen@lcps.org if you have any questions.

Have a Happy St. Patrick’s Day!
Mrs. Allen

Dr. Seuss's Birthday and Read Across America Week

We will celebrate Read Across America Week and Dr. Seuss's Birthday the week of February 27- March 3.  Please encourage your child join us in celebrating Dr. Seuss’ birthday and the joy of reading by participating in the following school activities.

Monday – Fox in Socks Wear silly or mismatched socks.
Tuesday – The Sleep Book Wear pajamas or comfy clothes.  Get ready for a visit from a Mystery Reader.
Wednesday – Wacky Wednesday Wear your clothes mismatched, inside out or backwards.
Thursday – Green Eggs and Ham Wear green!
Friday – The Cat in the Hat Wear your favorite hat.
Each class will enjoy a Dr. Seuss book read by a mystery reader and participate in other activities that support a love of reading.

Scholastic Book Fair

Join us in sharing a love of reading with your child at our Scholastic Book Fair that is being held March 6 – 10, 2017.  The hours of operation are: March 6 - 9, from 8:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m. and Friday, March 10 from 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.  The book fair will close at NOON on Friday!  Be sure to mark your calendar for our Book Fair Family Event on Tuesday, March 7 from 3:00p.m. – 6:30p.m.  This is a wonderful opportunity for your family to shop together.  This Family Night is being held right before Fine Arts Night so you can attend both events on the same evening!


China and Egypt Test:  Thursday, March 2nd
Word Study Test:  Friday, March 3rd

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Fractions Test:  Friday, March 3rd
Fractions Worksheet

Thursday, February 23, 2017


Pinebrook STEAM Expo:
Thank you for the supply donations for our upcoming STEAM Expo!  The kids are excited and are looking forward to Friday, February 24th!  We are still in great need of volunteers to help our day run smoothly.  Please come spend the day with us to see your child's creativity in action!  Don't be intimidated about volunteering ...we provide all directions, and all materials for each activity.  A teacher is present in each classroom at all times. Please volunteer by clicking HERE or going to this website        http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d4aa8ac23a0f58-steam

Here's a little more information about volunteering at the Expo:
If you volunteer, you will be placed in your child's grade level.  If you have more than one child, you may volunteer and split your time between your children's grade levels.
We need volunteers for both the morning and afternoon sessions...sign up for just one or both!



Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework
Fractions Test:  March 3rd

Wednesday, February 22, 2017


China Test:  Thursday, February 23rd

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Fractions Worksheet

Tuesday, February 21, 2017


China Test:  Thursday, February 23rd

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Fractions Worksheet

Friday, February 17, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
China Test:  Thursday, February 23rd

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Thursday, February 16, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
China Test:  Thursday, February 23rd

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Geometry Test Friday, February 17th
Math Worksheet

Wednesday, February 15, 2017


Pinebrook STEAM Expo:
Thank you for the supply donations for our upcoming STEAM Expo!  The kids are excited and are looking forward to Friday, February 24th!  We are still in great need of volunteers to help our day run smoothly.  Please come spend the day with us to see your child's creativity in action!  Don't be intimidated about volunteering ...we provide all directions, and all materials for each activity.  A teacher is present in each classroom at all times. Please volunteer by clicking HERE or going to this website        http://www.signupgenius.com/go/30e0d4aa8ac23a0f58-steam

Here's a little more information about volunteering at the Expo:
If you volunteer, you will be placed in your child's grade level.  If you have more than one child, you may volunteer and split your time between your children's grade levels.
We need volunteers for both the morning and afternoon sessions...sign up for just one or both!


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
China Test:  Thursday, February 23rd

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Geometry Test Friday, February 17th
Math Worksheet

Tuesday, February 14, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Wednesday is Superhero Day - dress like a superhero

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Geometry Test 2/17

Steam Expo

Monday, February 13, 2017

Sickness at Pinebrook

There have been coughs, colds, flu, and stomach bugs making their way through Pinebrookl! Please be sure to have your child wash their hands often during this time of year, especially when they get home and after having friends over to play. Doing so will lessen the chance of spreading germs. Also,
when deciding to send students to school, please do not send them with a fever even if the fever
is reduced by medicine. We have been wiping down desks daily in order to prevent more germs from spreading. Thank you for your help.


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Tomorrow is Valentine's Day - Wear red, pink, or hearts

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Geometry Test 2/17
3-D Shapes Worksheet

Friday, February 10, 2017

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Random Acts of Kindness Week Next Week!

We will be celebrating RAK week next week! Monday-Friday we will be celebrating through a spirit week and Counselors Challenge. Below is information on both.

First: We will be holding a Spirit Week as followed

Monday: World Kindness Day (Wear Green and Blue to represent the importance of World Kindness)
Tuesday: Valentine’s Day (All about love, wear a heart, red or pink)
Wednesday: Superhero Day (Not all Superhero’s wear Capes, they wear kindness (Dress up like a Superhero)
Thursday: Sunshine of Someone’s Day (Wear yellow and Sunglasses to brighten someone’s day)
Friday: At PNB kindness Starts with ME! (Wear PNB spirit wear)
Secondly: Pinebrook Counselors Kindness Challenge

PNB Counselors challenge our students to complete both an at-home and in-school kindness challenge.  The Counselor’s Challenge papers will be going home on Monday February 13th to kick off our Random Acts of Kindness week. These papers will be in your mailbox on Monday.   The Counselor’s Challenge papers should be returned to school by Friday, February 17th and placed in the appropriate baskets outside of Mrs. Ross’ office.  A random drawing will take place on Tuesday Feb 21st of all completed papers. Winners will be announced on the morning show, and given a small reward.
Third: Celebrate as a family at home and Tweet about it

You can reinforce the importance of Kindness at home by celebrating as a family. Show your students and families your acts of kindness. Small or grand gestures show our community we care and that Kindness is Powerful! It may be a note to a neighbor or paying for someone’s meal, whatever it is, share it to inspire our community. Use #RAKweek2017 and tag us @PNB_Counselor @JenN_Pinebrook @PTiessen_LCPS

Spirit Week

Monday 2/13:  World Kindness Day (Wear blue and green)
Tuesday 2/14:  Valentine's Day (Wear hearts, red, or pink)
Wednesday 2/15:  Super Hero of Kindness (dress like a super hero)
Thursday 2/16: Sunshine Day (wear yellow and sunglasses)
Friday 2/17:  Spirit Day (Wear a Pinebrook clothes or blue and maroon)


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Monday, February 13th:  World Kindness Day (wear blue and green)

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Thursday, February 9, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Egypt Test:  Friday, February 10th
Disinfection Wipes
Return Report Card Envelopes

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

A Room Parent Note About Our Valentine's Day Party

Dear Parents,

Our class Valentine's Day Party is scheduled for February 14th from 12:15 pm to 1:15 pm. Games, arts and crafts, snacks and wonderful surprises all are waiting for our second graders to enjoy!

Please be generous enough to donate any of the following items for the party snacks which all the kids can share and enjoy.
goldfish crackers
rice crispy treats
lunch bags to make Valentine day's bags
stickers to decorate the lunch bags
Any other snack/s of your choice is fine as long as they are "Nut Free". Pick an item and let me know what you will be bringing. Head count for party is 22 bright kids :)
Last but not the least, you all are welcome to help out and join in the fun!

Thanks for all your support. Lets make it a fun-filled day for everyone!
If you have any concerns feel free to contact me at mahwishminhaj@gmail.com

Have a Happy Valentine's Day!

Mahwish Minhaj (Room Parent)
Email: mahwishminhaj@gmail.com


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Egypt Test:  Friday, February 10th
Disinfection Wipes
Return Report Card Envelopes

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Tuesday, February 7, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Egypt Test:  Friday, February 10th

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Clorox Wipes Needed!!!

We are in need of Clorox Disinfecting Wipes to clean our room. In an attempt to prevent more students from getting sick, we are going to clean our room on a regular basis. We are down to our last couple containers of wipes. Thanks in advance!

Monday, February 6, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Egypt Test:  Friday, February 10th
Cogat Test:  Monday, February 6th and Tuesday, February 7th

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

February Events

Upcoming Events
February 1st: Walk to School Day
February 7th: SOL Vocabulary Parade Snow Date
February 8th: Quarter 2 Report Cards Go Home
February 10th: Teachers Makin' Tracks Someone Special Dance at school
February 13th: PTA Meeting at 6:30 pm in the Library at School
February 14th: Valentine's Day Party at 12:30 in our classroom
February 14th: Jump Rope for Heart (Grades 1-2) from 2:35 pm - 4:00 pm at School
February 20th: No School due to Presidents Day Holiday
February 21st: Jump Rope for Heart (Grades 1-2) SNOW DATE from 2:35 pm - 4:00 pm at School
February 24th: Pinebrook Steam Expo All Day at School!

Friday, February 3, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Egypt Test:  Friday, February 10th
Cogat Test:  Monday, February 6th and Tuesday, February 7th

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
No Homework

Thursday, February 2, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Word Study Test: Friday, February 3rd
Egypt Test:  Friday, February 10th

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Geometry Worksheet

Wednesday, February 1, 2017


Reflex Math (60 minutes due by Friday)
Word Study Test: Friday, February 3rd
Egypt Test:  Friday, February 10th
Final day to place book order online

Mrs. Allen's Math Class
Geometry Worksheet

Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...