Friday, February 10, 2017

Random Acts of Kindness Week

Random Acts of Kindness Week Next Week!

We will be celebrating RAK week next week! Monday-Friday we will be celebrating through a spirit week and Counselors Challenge. Below is information on both.

First: We will be holding a Spirit Week as followed

Monday: World Kindness Day (Wear Green and Blue to represent the importance of World Kindness)
Tuesday: Valentine’s Day (All about love, wear a heart, red or pink)
Wednesday: Superhero Day (Not all Superhero’s wear Capes, they wear kindness (Dress up like a Superhero)
Thursday: Sunshine of Someone’s Day (Wear yellow and Sunglasses to brighten someone’s day)
Friday: At PNB kindness Starts with ME! (Wear PNB spirit wear)
Secondly: Pinebrook Counselors Kindness Challenge

PNB Counselors challenge our students to complete both an at-home and in-school kindness challenge.  The Counselor’s Challenge papers will be going home on Monday February 13th to kick off our Random Acts of Kindness week. These papers will be in your mailbox on Monday.   The Counselor’s Challenge papers should be returned to school by Friday, February 17th and placed in the appropriate baskets outside of Mrs. Ross’ office.  A random drawing will take place on Tuesday Feb 21st of all completed papers. Winners will be announced on the morning show, and given a small reward.
Third: Celebrate as a family at home and Tweet about it

You can reinforce the importance of Kindness at home by celebrating as a family. Show your students and families your acts of kindness. Small or grand gestures show our community we care and that Kindness is Powerful! It may be a note to a neighbor or paying for someone’s meal, whatever it is, share it to inspire our community. Use #RAKweek2017 and tag us @PNB_Counselor @JenN_Pinebrook @PTiessen_LCPS

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