Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Field Trip to Mt. Vernon

(Information went home on Tuesday. Please check your child's red folder for the permission slip.)

The 2nd grade field trip is to Mt. Vernon this year! The students are especially excited about visiting George Washington's house since we've been studying about him during our Famous American social studies unit!
The trip is scheduled for Tuesday, May 2nd.
The price for students is $9.00. (exact cash or a check can be made payable to Pinebrook Elementary)
Permission slips and money need to be returned no later than Thursday, April 6th.
Students need to bring a brown bag lunch that day. We will be eating at a nearby park.

Important Chaperone Information
Please DO NOT send money in to be a chaperone until you are notified that you have been chosen.
At this time you are just letting the teacher know if you are available. Names will be picked at random and parents will be notified after that.
The price for chaperones will be $11.00.

Please let me know if you have any further questions regarding our field trip! We are really looking forward to it!

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