Tuesday, October 31, 2017
Happy Halloween!
No homework tonight for math due to our Fall Party! We do have our Pueblo quiz on Thursday, 11/2, and a math test on 11/3. Have a safe evening!
Monday, October 30, 2017
Homework tonight is a math worksheet. We have our Fall Party tomorrow at 1:30pm. It will be a fun time with games and food! We cannot wear costumes, however, so save those for tomorrow night :)
Friday, October 27, 2017
A Peek at Our Week
Today we had a firefighter visit our classroom and he gave us some excellent reminders about fire safety. He even gave you as parents some homework to complete this weekend! Thank you Firefighter Jason (Aaron's dad) for coming in today!
Fall Party- Tuesday, October 31st: 1:30-2:30
Native American Unit: (all study guides were sent home)
Native American Project
Due November 10th
The assignment includes a written booklet to be completed at home, a presentation to be done in class, and a 3-D project to completed at home. The information sent home includes ideas for the 3-D project and a list of tribes they can choose to research. Students MAY NOT choose to research one of the tribes we will be learning about in class: Powhatan, Lakota, or Pueblo.
Reflection Piece- this part of the project will be completed in school!
Native American Performance
As part of American Education Week, the 2nd grade students will be putting on a performance! It will be held on Tuesday, November 14th during the school day at 8:30am.
**Students are asked to wear blue jeans and white shirts to school that day for the performance.
The final song we sing is titled "Share Your Goodwill". Keeping in mind this theme we will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items at the door! We appreciate your generosity!
Fall Party- Tuesday, October 31st: 1:30-2:30
School Dates/Events
October 31st- Fall Festival Party in the Classroom at 1:30pm
November 1st- Walk To School Day
November 6th and 7th- No School for Students- Teacher/Parent Conferences
November 14th- 2nd Grade Native American Performance 8:30am
November 22nd-24th- Thanksgiving Break- No School
November 27th-December 1st- Book Fair
November 29th- Book Fair Family Night 3pm-6pm
PTA Events/Dates
October 29th- Stone Ridge 5K (Mrs. Peet will be there)
November 9th- Reflections Submission Due Date
November 9th- Family Reading Night 6:30pm-7:45pm
November 16th- Substitute Job Fair- John Champe HS 4:30pm-7:00pm
November 17th- Box Tops Due
November 17th- Basket Bingo 6:00pm-8:00pm
November 27th- PTA meeting 4:00pm
A Peek At Our Week
Reading: Students will identify the main idea and supporting details.
Writing: Students will write How-To Books.
Math: We will work on place value in the hundreds.
Social Studies: We will continue learning about different Native American tribes.
Place Value in the 100's- 11/3
Native American Unit: (all study guides were sent home)
Powhatan Quiz- 10/30
Pueblo Quiz- 11/2
Lakota Quiz- 11/13 (I believe there was a typo in last weeks blog)
Final Test on All Tribes: 11/16
Have a great weekend!!
Thursday, October 26, 2017
Tonight's homework is one more practice sheet on rounding. Our math test is tomorrow, 10/27. We also have a word study quiz tomorrow. The Powhatan quiz will be Monday, 10/30, and they are bringing home another review we did in class today.
Wednesday, October 25, 2017
Tonight's homework is a math worksheet on rounding. The math test is Friday, 10/27, and our first quiz on the Powhatan tribes is on 10/30.
Tuesday, October 24, 2017
Homework tonight is a worksheet on rounding. This is our last topic to cover before the math test on Friday, 10/27. It will cover place value, greater than or less than, number order, even or odd, and rounding.
A letter was also sent home today about the Native American unit for Social Studies that we started today, and it included all quiz and test dates, as well as the study guides for each of the tribes.
A letter was also sent home today about the Native American unit for Social Studies that we started today, and it included all quiz and test dates, as well as the study guides for each of the tribes.
Monday, October 23, 2017
Fall Party
Hope you are enjoying your day off! Just a reminder that we will have Library tomorrow, so the students should bring their library books.
Our Fall Party is Tues, Oct 31 from 1:30-2:30. Here is a list of foods that will be served.
-Vanilla/chocolate cupcakes
Please let me know if there are foods your child cannot have due to allergies. Thank you!
Our Fall Party is Tues, Oct 31 from 1:30-2:30. Here is a list of foods that will be served.
-Vanilla/chocolate cupcakes
Please let me know if there are foods your child cannot have due to allergies. Thank you!
Friday, October 20, 2017
Happy Friday!
Monday- Student Holiday!! Enjoy the long weekend!
Native American Project
Information on our first At Home Project is coming home today. It is due on Friday, November 10th.
The assignment includes a written booklet to be completed at home, a presentation to be done in class, and a 3-D project to completed at home. The information sent home today includes ideas for the 3-D project and a list of tribes they can choose to research. Students MAY NOT choose to research one of the tribes we will be learning about in class: Powhatan, Lakota, or Pueblo.
I will be going over in detail this project with the students and answering any questions they may have. Please read over the assignment again with your child and feel free to email me with any questions!
Native American Performance
As part of American Education Week, the 2nd grade students will be putting on a performance! It will be held on Tuesday, November 14th during the school day. The time is TBD and I will let you know as soon as I know so that you can put it on your calendar!
The final song we sing is titled "Share Your Goodwill". Keeping in mind this theme we will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items at the door! We appreciate your generosity!
Fall Party- Tuesday, October 31st: 1:30-2:30
School Dates/Events
October 23rd- Student Holiday
October 26th- Moveable Monday
PTA Events/Dates
October 29th- Stone Ridge 5K
A Peek At Our Week
Reading: Students will identify the most important part of a story.
Writing: Students will practice Hamburger Writing (Opening sentence, middle details, closing sent.)
Math: We will continue our unit on Place Value 0-99.
Social Studies: We will begin our Native American Unit.
Math Test (Place Value)- 10/27
Word Study Quiz- 10/27
Native American Unit: (all study guides will be sent home on Tuesday)
Powhatan Quiz- 10/30
Pueblo Quiz- 11/2
Lakota Quiz- 11/16
Final Test on All Tribes: 11/16
Wednesday, October 18, 2017
Homework tonight is a math worksheet. We did a fun experiment in class today about blubber, and how it helps a polar bear adapt to its environment. Ask your child about it!
Update: I actually forgot to give out the math homework, so enjoy the night off! I also sent home your conference time reminders today. Thanks!
Update: I actually forgot to give out the math homework, so enjoy the night off! I also sent home your conference time reminders today. Thanks!
Tuesday, October 17, 2017
Homework tonight is a math worksheet. Our Habitats test is tomorrow, and they completed another practice packet in class today. That packet, as well as the study guide, can be used to study. 60 Reflex minutes are due Friday!
Monday, October 16, 2017
Happy Monday! Today's homework is a math worksheet. Just a reminder that our habitats test is on Wednesday, 10/18. We are also sending home An American Hero for your child to complete if they wish to honor a veteran on Veterans Day this year. It needs to be sent back by Oct 27, 2017.
Friday, October 13, 2017
A Peek at Our Week
Housing Determination Form-
This was sent home yesterday in their Silver Homework Folders. This form only needs to be completed and returned if it pertains to you.
Spirit Week
October 16th-20th
PNB is Bully Free! Show your spirit and support in Bully prevention by participating this week.
Monday: Mismatch Day- Wear mismatch clothes to represent the way bullying can make students feel…mismatched.
Tuesday: Superhero Day-Let all students know you are a superhero in the effort to stop bulling! You are an upstander and practice Stop, Walk, Talk!
Wednesday: Inside out-Wear your clothes inside out to that shows bullying can cause hurt feelings on the inside more than anyone knows on the outside.
Thursday: Wear two different shoes- Take a walk in someone else’s shoes, to show compassion and empathy for someone’s situation.
Friday: Wear PNB colors or spirit wear-At PNB bully free starts with me! We are united and work together to stop Bullying from happening to us!
School Dates/Events
October 18th- Bus Driver Appreciation Day
October 23rd- Student Holiday
October 26th- Moveable Monday
PTA Events/Dates
October 16th- PTA meeting- 4:00
October 29th- Stone Ridge 5K
A Peek At Our Week
Reading: Students will identify nouns and adjectives in a story.
Writing: Students will practice Hamburger Writing (Opening sentence, middle details, closing sentence.)
Math: We will continue our unit on Place Value 0-99.
Science: We will continue our Habitats unit.
Habitat Test- 10/18
Math Test (Place Value)- 10/27
Word Study Quiz- 10/27
Have a wonderful weekend!
Thursday, October 12, 2017
Homework for today is a math worksheet and a reminder to complete reflex for tomorrow's Fun Friday. We have a word study quiz tomorrow, 10/13, and a habitats test on 10/18. Great job to all the students on their habitats quiz!
Wednesday, October 11, 2017
Homework tonight is a math worksheet. Your student will also be bringing home a study guide for the Habitats test next week on 10/18.
Tuesday, October 10, 2017
Mrs. Allen's baby
Just wanted to let you know that Mrs. Allen's baby boy, Parker, arrived this weekend! We are very happy for her family, and the children were excited to hear the news this morning!
I will be posting for Mrs. Allen in her absence, and I officially started today as her long term sub. I look forward to getting to know your students over the next couple of months. I will have an email address very soon, but until then, if you need to contact me, feel free to either call the school or send a note in with your child.
-Amy Kane
I will be posting for Mrs. Allen in her absence, and I officially started today as her long term sub. I look forward to getting to know your students over the next couple of months. I will have an email address very soon, but until then, if you need to contact me, feel free to either call the school or send a note in with your child.
-Amy Kane
Friday, October 6, 2017
On Wednesday, October 11th, administrators will be doing a computer activity with each of the second grade classrooms. We are in need of headphones/earbuds to do this activity. If your son/daughter has headphones or earbuds they can bring in to use for the activity, that would be greatly appreciated. Thank you in advance!
A Peek At Our Week and Important Dates
Happy Friday!!
Fall Harvest Party- Tuesday, October 31st 1:30-2:30pm
Our classroom room parents are collecting money to help out with our parties this year. If you haven't done so, please send in $20 to assist in the 3 parties this year! Please consider volunteering to help the party run smoothly!!
Bully Prevention Poster Contest
At PNB we strive to be bully free!!! Yesterday a paper was sent home in your child's folder challenging them to create a poster for the contest. Your poster must focus on ONE of the listed topics to be entered for a prize:
1. Illustrate Stop, Walk, Talk as a way to stop bullying
2.Illustrate the 3 R's (Ready, Respectful, Responsible) and how it stops bullying
3. Illustrate how our world would be if it was "Bully Free"
Poster Contest Timeline:
October 13th- all poster entries must be turned in to Mrs. Ross or Mrs. Nocito
Week of October 16th-20th- Posters will be displayed, students will vote on poster entries
October 20th- All votes will be tallied
October 25th- All winners will be announced on the Morning Announcements and prizes will be distributed
If you would like your child to participate, please follow the directions at the bottom of the letter sent home! Let me know if you have any questions!
School Dates/Events
October 9th- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day
October 11th- Moveable Monday
October 23rd- Student Holiday
October 26th- Moveable Monday
PTA Events/Dates
October 16th- PTA meeting- 4:00
October 29th- Stone Ridge 5K
A Peek At Our Week
Reading: Students will ask Questions while reading to help them comprehend the story.
Writing: Students will publish our books: Writing Like an Author.
Math: We will begin our unit on Place Value 0-99.
Science: We will continue our Habitats unit.
Habitat Quiz- 10/11 (Just on the different Habitats)
Habitat Test- 10/18
Math Test (Place Value)- 10/27
Fall Harvest Party- Tuesday, October 31st 1:30-2:30pm
Our classroom room parents are collecting money to help out with our parties this year. If you haven't done so, please send in $20 to assist in the 3 parties this year! Please consider volunteering to help the party run smoothly!!
Bully Prevention Poster Contest
At PNB we strive to be bully free!!! Yesterday a paper was sent home in your child's folder challenging them to create a poster for the contest. Your poster must focus on ONE of the listed topics to be entered for a prize:
1. Illustrate Stop, Walk, Talk as a way to stop bullying
2.Illustrate the 3 R's (Ready, Respectful, Responsible) and how it stops bullying
3. Illustrate how our world would be if it was "Bully Free"
Poster Contest Timeline:
October 13th- all poster entries must be turned in to Mrs. Ross or Mrs. Nocito
Week of October 16th-20th- Posters will be displayed, students will vote on poster entries
October 20th- All votes will be tallied
October 25th- All winners will be announced on the Morning Announcements and prizes will be distributed
If you would like your child to participate, please follow the directions at the bottom of the letter sent home! Let me know if you have any questions!
School Dates/Events
October 9th- NO SCHOOL- Columbus Day
October 11th- Moveable Monday
October 23rd- Student Holiday
October 26th- Moveable Monday
PTA Events/Dates
October 16th- PTA meeting- 4:00
October 29th- Stone Ridge 5K
A Peek At Our Week
Reading: Students will ask Questions while reading to help them comprehend the story.
Writing: Students will publish our books: Writing Like an Author.
Math: We will begin our unit on Place Value 0-99.
Science: We will continue our Habitats unit.
Habitat Quiz- 10/11 (Just on the different Habitats)
Habitat Test- 10/18
Math Test (Place Value)- 10/27
Thursday, October 5, 2017
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition and Subtraction Test: Friday, October 6th
Habitats Quiz: Wednesday, October 11th
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition and Subtraction Test: Friday, October 6th
Habitats Quiz: Wednesday, October 11th
Wednesday, October 4, 2017
Welcome Mrs. Kane
Mrs. Amy Kane will be the long term substitute while I am out on maternity leave. Mrs. Kane has been working across the hall for most of the year in another second grade classroom. She is familiar with the second grade curriculum. Thursday and Friday she will be working alongside me in the classroom, meeting the students, and getting to know our rules and routines. If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me.
Progress Reports
Progress Reports were emailed home today. In the report you will see the subject area, the SOL covered, and the scores of the assessments.
Just as a reminder:
M = Meets Standard
P = Progressing Toward Standard
B = Below Standard
You will also see the scores on the assessments.
4 = Exceeds Standard
3 = On Standard
2 = Progressing Toward Standard
1 = Below Standard
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at courtney.allen@lcps.org or we can discuss it during conference time.
Just as a reminder:
M = Meets Standard
P = Progressing Toward Standard
B = Below Standard
You will also see the scores on the assessments.
4 = Exceeds Standard
3 = On Standard
2 = Progressing Toward Standard
1 = Below Standard
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me at courtney.allen@lcps.org or we can discuss it during conference time.
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition and Subtraction Test: Friday, October 6th
Habitats Quiz: Wednesday, October 11th
Math Worksheet
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition and Subtraction Test: Friday, October 6th
Habitats Quiz: Wednesday, October 11th
Math Worksheet
Tuesday, October 3, 2017
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition and Subtraction Test: Friday, October 6th
Habitats Quiz: Wednesday, October 11th
Math Worksheet
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition and Subtraction Test: Friday, October 6th
Habitats Quiz: Wednesday, October 11th
Math Worksheet
Monday, October 2, 2017
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition and Subtraction Test: Friday, October 6th
Habitats Quiz: October 10th
Math Worksheet
Reflex Math: 60 minutes (Due by Friday)
Addition and Subtraction Test: Friday, October 6th
Habitats Quiz: October 10th
Math Worksheet
PBIS Reward
Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)
NEWS about Second Grade!
October 1, 2017
Dear Parent/Guardian,
We are excited to let you know that because of exemplary behavior during the first month of school your child, as part of the entire Second Grade, has been awarded a PBIS Grade Level Award!
Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS) is an evidence-based approach for creating a common vision of behavioral expectations through consistent language and practices among staff and students. For more information, you can visit https://www.lcps.org/Page/1000.
This is the first PBIS Grade Level Award to be given this year as part of a new initiative to reinforce the school-wide behavioral expectations. Pinebrook Pumas are asked to be Ready, Respectful, and Responsible in the classroom, hallways, cafeteria, at recess and during specials. The Second Grade is being rewarded for having the highest number of students recognized for model behavior during the first month of school.
The award being given to your child is a movie at school! The 2nd Grade Team has chosen the movie Monsters, Inc., a G-rated movie with positive messages about looking inside as well as outside a person and remaining true to who you are. For more information about this movie, you can go to http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0198781/. We would like to show this movie to our 2nd grade students next Friday, October 6th. We will allow students to bring their snack for that day to enjoy during the movie.
If for any reason you would NOT like your child to partake in this movie, please sign and return the opt-out form being sent home today. If we do not receive this opt-out form by Thursday, October 5th, we will include your child in the celebration.
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to email me (Jennifer.Nocito@lcps.org) or your child’s teacher. Thank you.
Kind Regards,
Jennifer Nocito, School Counselor K, 2nd and 5th Grades
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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week
This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...

During the month of February, second grade students in Loudoun County Public Schools will take the online Cognitive Abilities Test (CogAT), ...
We made it through our first day! The students took in a lot of information, but did a fantastic job! We are going to build a strong commu...