Friday, October 13, 2017

A Peek at Our Week

Housing Determination Form- 
This was sent home yesterday in their Silver Homework Folders. This form only needs to be completed and returned if it pertains to you.

Spirit Week
October 16th-20th
PNB is Bully Free! Show your spirit and support in Bully prevention by participating this week.

Monday: Mismatch Day- Wear mismatch clothes to represent the way bullying can make students feel…mismatched.

Tuesday: Superhero Day-Let all students know you are a superhero in the effort to stop bulling! You are an upstander and practice Stop, Walk, Talk!

Wednesday: Inside out-Wear your clothes inside out to that shows bullying can cause hurt feelings on the inside more than anyone knows on the outside.

Thursday: Wear two different shoes- Take a walk in someone else’s shoes, to show compassion and empathy for someone’s situation.

Friday: Wear PNB colors or spirit wear-At PNB bully free starts with me! We are united and work together to stop Bullying from happening to us!

School Dates/Events
October 18th- Bus Driver Appreciation Day
October 23rd- Student Holiday
October 26th- Moveable Monday

PTA Events/Dates
October 16th- PTA meeting- 4:00
October 29th- Stone Ridge 5K

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will identify nouns and adjectives in a story.

Writing: Students will practice Hamburger Writing (Opening sentence, middle details, closing sentence.)

Math: We will continue our unit on Place Value 0-99.

Science: We will continue our Habitats unit.


Habitat Test- 10/18
Math Test (Place Value)- 10/27
Word Study Quiz- 10/27

Have a wonderful weekend!

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...