Friday, October 20, 2017

Happy Friday!

Monday- Student Holiday!! Enjoy the long weekend!

Native American Project
Information on our first At Home Project is coming home today. It is due on Friday, November 10th.
The assignment includes a written booklet to be completed at home, a presentation to be done in class, and a 3-D project to completed at home. The information sent home today includes ideas for the 3-D project and a list of tribes they can choose to research. Students MAY NOT choose to research one of the tribes we will be learning about in class: Powhatan, Lakota, or Pueblo.
I will be going over in detail this project with the students and answering any questions they may have. Please read over the assignment again with your child and feel free to email me with any questions!

Native American Performance
As part of American Education Week, the 2nd grade students will be putting on a performance! It will be held on Tuesday, November 14th during the school day. The time is TBD and I will let you know as soon as I know so that you can put it on your calendar!

The final song we sing is titled "Share Your Goodwill". Keeping in mind this theme we will be collecting donations of non-perishable food items at the door! We appreciate your generosity!

Fall Party- Tuesday, October 31st: 1:30-2:30


School Dates/Events
October 23rd- Student Holiday
October 26th- Moveable Monday

PTA Events/Dates
October 29th- Stone Ridge 5K

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will identify the most important part of a story.

Writing: Students will practice Hamburger Writing (Opening sentence, middle details, closing sent.)

Math: We will continue our unit on Place Value 0-99.

Social Studies: We will begin our Native American Unit.

Math Test (Place Value)- 10/27
Word Study Quiz- 10/27
Native American Unit: (all study guides will be sent home on Tuesday)
Powhatan Quiz- 10/30
Pueblo Quiz- 11/2
Lakota Quiz- 11/16
Final Test on All Tribes: 11/16

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...