Tuesday, November 27, 2018

Gingerbread Houses

Dear Parents,

Our class will be making individual gingerbread houses on Friday, December 14th from 11:30-12:30ish.  I am looking for parents to come in and help with this activity.  If you are interested in coming in to help with this fun event, please sign your name on the piece of paper coming home today.  Each student needs to bring in one can of vanilla frosting (just for them…no sharing) and at least one (large sized…not snack size) unopened candy treat (no peanuts or nuts) to share and put on the gingerbread houses.  Students can bring in frosting and candy treats anytime between now and Friday, December 14th.  The more items sent in, the better the gingerbread houses will look!  Some candy treats might include:
·  Gumdrops
·  M&M’s plain-no peanut
·  Peppermints
·  Skittles
·  Hershey Kisses
·  Pretzels
·  Cereals (fruit loops, golden grahams, etc.)
·  Mini Candy Canes
·  Licorice bites
·  Mini marshmallows
·  Life Savers
***Plain Graham Crackers-Need 4 boxes
***Aluminum Foil-Need two rolls

Thanks for your help,
                                                                         Mrs. Allen

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