Friday, November 30, 2018

Important Information and A Peek At Our Week

Gingerbread Houses
Thank you to the parents that have sent back permission slips for making the gingerbread houses. We have enough foil and graham crackers at this time as well!! Thank you parents who have volunteered to send in those items. We will make gingerbread houses on Friday, Dec. 14th from 11:30 to 12:30. Parents are welcome to come in and help with set up/making them/and packing them up for each child. Each child needs to bring in one can of vanilla icing for themselves and a bag of candy to share with the class. No individual sized candy please and no left over Halloween candy. Examples of different types of candy were on the permission slip sent home.

Book Fair
The book fair is taking place all next week in the library.  If you would like your child to purchase anything from the book fair, please send money in and I send them down to shop!
Book Fair Family Night
Tuesday, Dec. 4th 3:00 pm-6:00 pm

 Pinebrook's Family Literacy Night
Tuesday, December 4th- 6:00 pm- 7:30 pm
Come join teachers, fairies, gnomes, and other woodland creatures for an enchanting evening. New for this year is a book exchange! Please bring a gently used book to exchange with another reader. The goal: everyone leaves with a new book to enjoy at home!

Pinebrook PTA's Holiday Fair
Monday, December 10th 5:30 pm-8:00 pm
Pancake Breakfast for dinner. $5.00 per person (5:30 pm- 7:30 pm)
While the kids are shopping the parents can browse and shop from several local vendors!

Mid-Year MAP Testing
We are scheduled to take our Mid- Year MAP assessments in reading and math next week. We will be taking the reading test on Monday, Dec. 3rd at 8:15 am and the math test on Wednesday, Dec. 5th at 11:45 am. Please make sure all students are in school on time and not picked up early on those days! These are not assessments to study for but to show growth from the fall test scores based on what they've learned so far in 2nd grade!

School Dates/Events
Dec. 3-7 Scholastic Book Fair
Dec. 4- Book Fair Family Night 3:00pm-6:00pm
Dec. 4- Family Literacy Night 6:00pm-7:30pm

PTA Events/Dates
Dec. 10- Pancake Dinner 5:30 pm  and Holiday Shop 6:00pm
Dec. 11-12 Holiday Shop will be open during school hours

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will pay attention to how authors have intentions when they write.

Writing: We will continue writing All About Books.

Social Studies: We will continue our unit on Maps and Globes.

Math: We will begin a unit on double digit subtraction, with and without regrouping.

Maps and Globes Test- 12/12
Subtraction with Regrouping Quiz- 12/17
Combined Addition and Subtraction with Regrouping Test 12/19

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...