Friday, November 20, 2020

Important Dates and a Peek at Our Week

Happy Friday!

Next week is a B Week
Asynchronous (on your own) Specials: Music, Search
Synchronous (live google meet) Specials: PE, Library, Art

Thanksgiving Break
There will be no school from Wednesday, November 25th through Friday, November 27th for Thanksgiving Break! See you all Monday morning, November 30th!

Native American Project
Project is due Tuesday, November 24th! 

We finished learning about the Powhatan, Pueblo, and Lakota tribes. Hopefully your child has picked the tribe they want to focus on for their project and has gotten started. There are 2 parts! Please read more about the project in the blue link below!

***Please click the link below for information regarding this project!

Study Guides Button on Schoology
I have added a button to my Schoology page that will contain all the Science and Social Studies study guides for each unit that we will cover. If your child needs some extra guidance and review on a subject we covered in class please use the study guides!

Reading Groups
Please make sure your child is logging in during their assigned reading group day and time! I use reading group notes/information to help with each student's reading grade at the end of the quarter. 

Turkey of the Year
Today is the last day for Turkey of the Year Voting. If your child did not vote this morning in class, here is the new link to the voting form. Thank you so much for helping with this Reading Initiative at home!

PTA News
Please visit the PTA website for school information and upcoming events! You can shop the store, join the PTA, and much more!

Upcoming Quizzes on Seesaw
Monday, Nov. 23rd: Math: Addition Quiz
Tuesday, Nov. 24th: Social Studies: Native American Test

Focus Areas for the Coming Week
Reading: Thanksgiving Read Alouds
WritingQuick Write- How the Turkey Lost Its' Feathers
Social Studies: Review all 3 Native American Tribes
Math: Continue Unit 3: Addition and Subtraction

For all School Related Information Please Read the Puma Paw Regularly!! The link is below!

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...