Friday, August 17, 2018

First Week of School!

Ten Ways To Help Your Child the First Week of School

1. Please help your child to memorize their lunch code.  I will be assisting your child with the lunch procedures the first week of school.  Learning the lunch code is a HUGE help with lunch routines.

2. Make sure your child knows his/her bus number and how they will be getting home.  Notify me in writing if there is any change in routine.

3. Be sure to check your child’s daily folder for school news and notes.  If you have any notes for me, or the office, please place them in the daily folder as I check these EVERY morning.  The daily folder is our method of communication!

4. Do not allow your child to bring any toys or distracting objects to school.

5. Please send in all school supplies as soon as possible.  Also, please sharpen pencils before sending them to school.

6. Prepaying your child’s lunch account is a good idea.  You can pay in advance for lunch and ice cream.  This is easier than having your child handle money daily.  You can make a check payable to the County of Loudoun. See the cafeteria staff for details.

7. Please let me know of any important medical information regarding your child.

8. We will have snack on a daily basis.  Your child is responsible for bringing his/her own snack.  Please pack a healthy snack and do not send any drinks since we have a water fountain in our classroom.

9. Please label backpack, coats, and supplies.  You do not need to label any pencils, as those will be community supplies. 

10. Resource classes (art, music, PE, library, computers, etc.) will begin the first week of school.  Please send your child in tennis shoes so they will be prepared.  Although the schedule has been made, changes may occur!

Thank you in advance for all your support and help throughout the first week!  If you have any questions or concerns, please ask!
It’s going to be a great year!

Mrs. Allen

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