Friday, August 24, 2018

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!

We're back in the swing of things with school! It's like we never left! All the students seem to be doing very well and adjusting to a new classroom and a new teacher! I couldn't ask for anything more!

MAP testing will begin next week. It's a new computer assessment that Pinebrook has adopted to assess each students areas of strengths and weaknesses in reading and math. These assessments are done on the computer and will give us immediate feedback on where we need to focus instruction for each individual child. These results are not to be used as any type of grade or information that will come home, it's primarily to help teachers know what to focus on with each student.

We had our first "Den Rally" today!  It's a new assembly format Mr. Thiessen introduced this year as a way to build community and better connect our teachers and students.  Once a month or so, the whole school gathers in the gym for a short morning assembly during which we listen to the school news, say the pledge together, recite the "Puma Creed", learn about social skills, and generally celebrate being part of our AWESOME Pinebrook community.  Please ask your child about our Den Rally from this morning!

School Dates/Events
Aug. 27- Fire Drill
Aug. 30- Lock Down Drill
Sept. 3- Labor Day -NO SCHOOL
Sept. 11- Patriot Day Ceremony

PTA Events/Dates
Sept. 11- Volunteer Breakfast 8:30am
Sept. 14- Box Top Collection
Sept. 17-PTA meeting 7:00pm

A Peek At Our Week

Reading: Students will enjoy read alouds about important character traits.

Writing: Students will write about important character traits.

Social Studies: We will begin our Citizenship unit- What is a good Citizen?

Math: We will review Calendar skills. (days of the week, months of the year, writing numerical dates, and reading a calendar.)

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...