Friday, September 6, 2019

Important Dates and A Peek At Our Week

Happy Friday!

Donor's Choose: Mrs. Allen and Mrs. Peet’s Collaborative Classroom

Thank you so much to the wonderful families who have already donated to this project!!!!  Your support is appreciative!


If you haven't had a chance to donate and would still like to, it's not too late.  We have until February to spend the remaining funds on more classroom materials to enhance our classroom.

REFLEX MATH - Students need to complete 60 minutes of Reflex Math each week.  Students who complete their Reflex Math for the week will be able to participate in FUN FRIDAY!  Students who do not complete their Reflex Math will need to work on addition/subtraction facts for half of their Fun Friday.  The first time Reflex Math will be checked in on Friday, September 13th.  Any Reflex Math you do over the weekend will count towards the Friday, September 13th check.

Timed Drills

This week we took our first timed drill of 2nd grade! Timed drills will be sent home on Monday. Students were given 5 minutes to complete as many addition and subtraction problems as they could. If a problem was answered, but is incorrect it was circled. The only problems that are counted towards the grade are the ones answered in pencil. If you see problems answered in pen/crayon/colored pencil, those were just for extra practice and not counted towards their grade. There are two numbers on top. The first one is how many problems they got correct and the other number is the actual grade that goes in the gradebook. Please keep in mind, we do not expect students to reach this goal of completing 50 problems in 4 minutes until the end of 2nd grade. This is a standard we will be working towards all year. Do not worry if your child is not receiving a 3 or 4 on their timed drill. As the year progresses, students become more fluent with their basic facts and more comfortable with the idea that they are being timed and their scores improve. Quarter 1 and Quarter 2, students will get 5 minutes to work on the timed drill sheet but by Quarter 3 and 4, the time will be dropped to 4 minutes, as this is the standard. We have students complete 60 minutes of Reflex Math a week to help build fluency of addition and subtraction facts, as well as, different centers in math that will allow students to work on this skill. Below is the grading rubric for timed drills. Please let us know if you have any further questions.

0-29 problems correct: 1
30-39 problems correct: 2
40- 50 problems correct: 3
To receive a 4 on timed drills: students must complete all 50 problems correctly and write a word problem on the back with a matching number sentence that solves the word problem. This has to be completed in the allotted 4 or 5 minutes.

Next week all second grade teachers will begin Fall Reading Testing.  

The Developmental Reading Assessment (DRA) is a standardized reading test used to determine a student's instructional level in reading. The DRA is administered individually to students by teachers. Students read a selection (or selections) and then make predictions, retell verbally or complete a written summary. Depending on the level, some students will need to describe their favorite part, the most important part, and/or the author's message.

The Phonological Awareness Literacy Screening (PALS) is a proactive and preventive screening measure that assists teachers in providing differentiated, targeted instruction to meet your child's needs.

Important Dates:

September 10 - PTA Fall Spirit Wear Sale Ends
September 11 - Patriot Day Ceremony 8:05am
September 11 - PTA Volunteer Room Parent and Welcome Coffee 8:30
September 13 - Box Tops for Education Due
September 16 - PTA Meeting 7:00pm
September 28 - Fall Festival 3:00pm

Focus Areas for the Coming Week:
·         Reading:  We will continue to practice building reading stamina, and we will practice beginning, middle, end, and problem and solution within a story.  We will also be working on connections.
·         Writing:  We will practice writing complete sentences which includes capitalization and punctuation, as well as subject and predicate
·         Math:  We will continue our unit on number concepts with a focus on even/odd numbers, place value, and expanded form.
·         Science:  We will begin the unit on Scientific Method.

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Important Information and a Peek at Our Week

  This will be my last Blog post for the year. I just wanted to say THANK YOU for all of your support at home. I know this year had it's...